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Showing posts with label petra steele. Show all posts
Showing posts with label petra steele. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Petra Steele Rejoins SL's Live Music Community With Stunning New Sim

Petra Steele is back in SL running yet another  live music sim with her characteristic emphasis on quality and personalized care for guests and artists alike.
While the trademarks of elegance and imaginative concepts for each of the three current venues on the sim,  there are also changes which enrich the experience of the sim.

Petra is proud to introduce her peerless management team of Nem Altacia,
General Manager and Amber LeFavre Altacia, Booking Manager.  We have developed a wonderful rapport and coming to work is something each of us look forward to .  At every event you will find all three of us present, welcoming guests as they arrive as well as responding to any needs they may have.

We have been open since mid June and offer the best live artists in SL Entertainment Community.  Three venues grace our lovely sim which  faces the east and the setting sun:  These include...

      - The Hermes Ballroom, a Neoclassic venue made of marble with the characteristic columns of that period and a glossy black marble floor. The Ballrooom is appointed in grand style with black and gold decorative accents and is our formal venue with formal attire being requested but not required..  Live artist sing here and the atmosphere is very Grand Hollywood style.  The Ballroom is in service on Mondays.

The sim is also open on Wednesday and Thursday evenings and one to two Saturdays per month.  The venue which houses the live entertainment on these evenings is the whimsical Steampunk Live Music Venue.  It is meticulously designed and decorated to reflect the hybrid  style at the core of Steampunk.  Metal and velvet, lace and rusty gears.  A huge rotating star is the attraction on the dancefloor and the music tends to be Rock, Blues and Pop genres.  Come on any night the venue is featuring live artists and feel the excitement and unmitigated joy which fills the air.

New to the Steele entertainment sims is our new comedy club, "The Knock Knock Room".  Grand Opening on Halloween featuring live standup.  

An important upcoming event is our "Summer's End" beach party located on rugged Steele Beach, a center for surfing as well as relaxing under the Sun.  The event is scheduled for Thursday, September 19 featuring  two outstanding singers on our gold and black floating stage with a backdrop of huge surfing waves. Singers scheduled as follows:
                            6:00PM  -  Savannah Rain
                            7:00PM  -  Agatha Martin

We love being part of the SL Live Music Community and look forward to warmly welcoming you to Petra's Steele Live Entertainment.


Monday, October 25, 2021

The Next Chapter for Steele Live Music - Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) Reporting

I like to Sim-hop…a LOT. 

It is perhaps my favorite way to help follow the pulse of life on the Grid.  This past week I visited our old friend, Petra Steele, to see what this iconic Treasure of SecondLife was up to these days

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic)  (JB):  Greetings, Petra.  Thanks for agreeing to meet with me and share a few things you are doing for our SecondLife Community.  You have obviously been very busy since last we spoke.  So, tell me and our readers, what have you been up to lately?

Petra Steele (PS): To be honest, I am afraid I'm not certain of what my answer to that question is.  Or at least one that sounds good.  Seriously though, my time since I closed SLM AGAIN, I have mostly been working on the sim, nothing as major as Karabella, the builder I work with has done the lion's share of work on this sim and it's been minor adjustments.  I have gone to many different live music venues that I'd not been able to visit before and heard some artists who are also new to me. Have done more socializing than usual.  I even dated ( laughs).  

JB:  I understand you have totally revamped the way you format your programming.  Care to share with our readers what kind of changes you made?

PS:  I think I can make it work.  First off, there will be no more 26 hours of live music a week.  In the long run, that kind of schedule became taxing, on many levels, but, most importantly, it was taking a toll on my health.  The fact is, since closing, even since last we spoke, I have changed my mind about the format several times.  I have finished working on another venue on the sim.  It is called "The Cave" and is embedded in the sim's mountain.  While we have a whole complex cave system, with several chambers, the one I've turned into a venue is actually a replica of the rl temple in Fort Petra in Jordan – (the one shown in Raiders of the Last Ark).  It's, moody and atmospheric and perfect for solo concerts especially for blues and other genres that work well with more intimate venues.  I had hoped to feature 2-hour solo concerts but I am finding that only a few artists will agree to that length of time.  So the venue will feature those who can and are interested or do so routinely.  Those who have a penchant for dealing with other musicians.  My Steampunk Ballroom will feature multiple artists at a time and I'll produce those......frankly when I'm up to it. The Halloween event is a good example of the kind of event hosted in the ballroom, as was my last event only a month ago entitled "We Are Sick of Dark Times" Live music event and formal..

JB:  Is this yet another “Grand ReOpening?

PS:  Certainly not. I have already “reopened” more times than I care to count.  Haha. I like to say “We are not reopening.  Pretend we never left!”  

JB:  So, would you like to highlight the Solo Artists you will be hosting?

PS:  Many of the artists we've worked with since I owned the SL Playboy Mansion sim are still performing for us, Wolfie Moonshadow, Djembe Dragonfire, Agatha Nowles, John Rocky, Hogan Baily and Red Heaven, and more, as well as, new artist such as Kendall Jigsaw.

JB:  So then, Petra.  Specifically, what is different about this time from previous club operations?

PS:  Well, for one thing, I’m doing this all myself this time.  I really have no full-time staff.  I hire hosts and I contract with builders when I need them, but much of the design and building I did myself.  That definitely has its advantages and drawbacks.

JB:  Oh?  Do tell?

PS:  The primary advantage of being on my own is I can do and redo without having to explain my actions to others.  I can rely on myself to be reliable.  If I’m tired or ill, I can stop and not explain or have to discuss too much of my private life with anyone else.

 JB:  I guess I can see your point there.  But isn’t it a pain to have to do everything yourself?

PS: Yes, there are definite drawbacks.  I'll name a few.  I work all the time with little left to socialize as I am also here less.  I have multitasked my whole working / professional/parenting life but after a while that becomes mechanical, draining, and boring Also working alone on a sim all the time is kind of lonely and I find myself being more replenished by engaging with my rl..

JB:  So, tell me Petra? Do you have an event coming up?  Your Halloween Ball?  What can guests expect there?

PS: I'm, really excited about it.  We will be making a music video with the participation of all our guests.  There may be a special surprise in there but you won't hear what it is from me.  You’ll just have to come and see..  Following the making of the video, we will have two hours of a serious Rock dual with John Rocky (formerly Erik Kottzen) and Kendall Jigsaw.  Those guys are Titans of Rock and it's sure to be an exciting show.

JB:  So, what happened to your other venues, like the Comedy Club?

PS:  That;’ the downside of doing this alone.  I still have them...and will use them again when I rebuild. But this time I’m opening and running for a while, one venue at a time.

JB:  And by doing this on your own, it means all the funding challenges are yours to bear as well?

PS: Yep.  But you get what you pay for. And I get…ME.  LoL   My club…Just as I want it to be.  But I do want to mention the builder who did much of this with me:  Karabella.Velliz

JB:   Tell me about “The Petra Difference”

PS:  I think I bring something different to the table in the live music scene.  my sims have an elegance about them, intentionally so.  My tastes are refined and I am very detail-oriented which is a plus when your goal is to create realistic environments.  I'm also pretty good at crafting lineups that audiences enjoy but that the artists also feel comfortable and stimulated by.  The lineup is key.  I'm not saying that my sim is best or most attractive or even original.  There are some amazing places people have built and run here so let's just say I like to keep up with the high standards set before me, with just a smidge of Petra.  I guess you could say I’m doing it MY WAY!.

JB:  (Hears Old “Blue Eyes” busting out in song…)

Tell me more about the “Petra Difference”?

PS:  (Smiling)  I don't care to appeal to every taste.  I want people to come because they like my clubs and the atmosphere I can create in a venue.  My sets are almost never empty.  And if you hire the best talent, they won't be.  I'm a bit of a Queen Bee and make no apologies for it.

JB:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers, Petra?

PS:  Only to let people know that right now the entire sim has been redone to create a Halloween town.  I love it! Bella did an incredible job.  It is truly spooky and dark and there's a lot there to entertain and stimulate the imagination.

JB:   So, there you have it folks, direct from Petra herself.  But don’t just read about it.  Come experience it for yourself, firsthand.  Grab a Limo and, as they say on The Price is Right….Come On Down!

Be there!  Aloha!


Second SURL:

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Steel Live Music Reopens PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue May 30th-31st Event Schedule

Petra's welcomes you to our two new venues: The Knock Knock Room & The Steele's Pointe Ballroom Grand Reopening
Saturday, May 30
3:00 pm  Wayne Davis
4:00 pm  Savannah Rain
5:00 pm  Da Blues Preacher
6:00 pm  Parker Static
7:00 pm  Naughty
8:00 pm  Essence Bilasimo
Sunday, May 31
11:00 am  Erin Frog & Satin Galli
12:00 pm  Lisa Brune
1:00 pm   Max Kleene
2:00 pm   Winter
3:00 pm   AMforte Clarity
4:00 pm   TOXIE
5:00 pm  Hogan Baily
6:00 pm  Agatha
7:00 pm  TwinGhost
8:00 pm  Voodoo Shilton

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Petra’s Closes its Doors Permanently

Petra’s was one of the few venues that could hold an active crowd with great conversations and laughs. It’s beautifully adorned venue had a friendly familiar feel with guests and artists alike gracing the dance floor and experiencing the multiple talents that performed center stage. Everyone was friendly and inviting.

When venues this well managed and maintained,  It is always sad to announce they are closing their doors. The news came as a shock to The SL Enquirer as well as many others who visited Petra’s and had the opportunity to meet the woman behind it all; Petra Steele. The venue will be missed but most of all Petra Steele’s presence.

On behalf of the SL Enquirer and fans of Petra’s. Ms. Steele thank you for your hard work, passion and energy in supporting music and entertainment in Second Life and being a part of this amazing, creative virtual platform. We wish you the very best in your treatment and recovery.

Dear Staff, Artists & Friends of PETRA's,

It is with a tremendous sense of sadness that I write to inform you that as of  5:00pm today, Friday, June 22, PETRA's closed its doors permanently.

As many of you know, I have been ill for some time and have just received word about a diagnosis, the treatment for which will interfere with my being able to run the club.

Of all the venues I have owned, PETRA's is the one I've had the greatest pride in and affection for.  It saddens me to have to say goodbye to it and all the great times and great music we have packed into the 8 months of its existence.

My gratitude to each and every one of you for being a part of the wonderful adventure that PETRA's was for me and, I hope for all of you.  


Petra Steele

Monday, June 17, 2019

PETRA's Schedule of Performances Week of 6/16

The start of a new week and another opportunity to present the finest in live music in SL..
It was with no small amount of surprise that I realized, the other day, that PETRA"s has been open for 8 months!  Honestly, I thought it was longer.  While I have owned other venues that I care deeply for, this little club is my favorite.  We are so grateful to our artists for performing at our venue.  We are fortunate indeed.  And we are grateful to all our wonderful patrons who have supported us with high energy since we opened our doors.  My thanks also go to my wonderful staff of hosts who contribute so much to the warm welcoming and elegantly relaxed atmosphere of the venue.  Thank you, Sweet, Foxxy, Alyss, April, and Freya.
Now have a look at what we have for you this week...

2:00 PM     Paris Obscur
3:00 PM     Savannah Rain
4:00 PM     Wayne Davis
5:00 PM     Erik Kottzen
6:00 PM     Liam Wakeman
7:00 PM     Hogan Baily
8:00 PM     Essence Bilasimo

6:00 PM     Savannah Rain
7:00 PM     TwinGhost Ronas
8:00 PM     Voodoo Shilton 
9:00 PM     Savannah Coronet

2:00 PM     Lisa Brune
3:00 PM     Jack Slade
4:00 PM     AMforte Clarity

Monday, June 10, 2019

PETRA'S Schedule Of Performance Week Of June 9

As PETRA's prepares to open its doors for the upcoming week we are aware that before too long we will be celebrating the club's First Anniversary;  What a time we have had.  And we look forward to the future with excitement and anticipation.  We have a wonderful lineup performs on three days this week
But before I post this week's schedule of performances,  I'd like to share some news with you
The addition of performances on alternate Thursdays
continues this week on 6/13 with...
5:00 pm Noma Falta
6:00 pm Liam Wakeman
7:00 pm TwinGhost Ronas
And finally, PETRA's is over the moon excited about announcing performances on the Fourth Sunday of each month, BY SOULVISION and THE QUADRADIX!
Our hosts, Sweet, Foxxy, Alyss, April, Freya and I look forward to welcoming you..


3:00 PM   Savannah Rain
4:00 PM   Wayne Davis
5:00 PM   Erik Kottzen


5:00 PM   Noma Falta
6:00 PM   Liam Wakeman
7:00 PM   TwinGhost Ronas


2:00 PM    Lisa Brune
3:00 PM    Jack Slade
4:00 PM    AMforte Clarity
5:00: PM   Collin Martin
6:00 PM    Max Kleene

Sunday, June 2, 2019

PETRA's A Live Music Venue: Schedule for Week Of June 2, 2019

Tuesday, June 4

2:00 pm    Paris Obscur
3:00 pm    Savannah Rain
4:00 pm    Wayne Davis
5:00 pm     Erik Kottzen
6:00 pm     Liam Wakeman
7:00 pm     Hogan Baily
8:00 pm Essence Bilasimo

Friday, June 7

2:00 pm     Lisa Brune
3:00 pm     Jack Slade
4:00 pm     AMforte Clarity

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Petra's Performance Schedule for week of May 26

We have a very exciting week coming up.  This week we launch biweekly Thursdays with some very exciting and accomplished artists. There are some other changed as well and they are noted below.  

Please mark your calendars and do come join us in welcoming our great live artitist, both regular and new.  The excitement at PETRA's is palpable as we get ready to open our doors for the week.

Here's a look at  three days worth of great live music performances...


3:00 pm         Savannah Rain
4:00pm          Wayne Davis
5:00pm          Erik Kottzen
6:00pm          Noma Falta
7:00pm          TOXIE
8:00pm          Essence Bilasimo


5:00pm          Noma Falta
6:00pm          Liam Wakeman
7:00pm          TwinGhost Ronas
8:00pm          Voodoo Shilton


2:00pm          Lisa Brune
3:00pm          Jack Slade
4:00pm          AMforte Clarity
5:00pm          Collin Martin
6:00pm          Max  Kleen

Take the magic carpet ride below and come an enjoy three days worth of great live performances with us.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Special Announcement from Petra's

Oh, how we love Tuesdays and Fridays at PETRA's!  After the weekend, all of us here are excited to hear our club buzzing with the sounds of great live music and singing, and let's not forget the laughter and humor of our guests.

We do have some more exciting news for you.  Starting next Thursday, May 30, PETRA's will present Twinghost ronas and Voodoo Shilton who will be appearing here regularly on alternate Thursdays.   We have a couple more surprises for you on that evening.  but we'll save them for a later announcement.  But the great news is PETRA"s will be open an additional day thanks largely to the great response to our programming that we've received from our patrons.  Thank you for believing in what we do and thanks too, for your generosity and loyalty.

We think every set is a "Do Not Miss" so take the magic carpet and come join, our warm and gracious hosts, Sweet, Foxxy, Alyss, April, and of course me, Petra.  See you soon.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Petra's Event Schedule for May 14 & May 17th

4:00PM          Wayne Davis
5:00PM          Erik Kottzen
6:00PM          Liam Wakeman
7:00PM          TOXIE
8:00PM          Essence Bilasimo

1:00PM          Telima

2:00PM          Lisa Brune
3:00PM          Jack Slade
4:00PM          AMforte Clarity
5:00PM          Collin Martin
 6:00PM          Max Kleene

 7:00pm          Voodoo Shilton

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Petra's Performance Schedule & Hosts for Week of 4/21/19

                    ARTIST                                                                              HOST

                                                   TUESDAY, APRIL 23
    2pm     Paris Obscur                                                                    Alyss
    3pm     Savannah Rain                                                                 Alyss
    4pm     Wayne Davis                                                                   Foxxy
    5pm     Erik Kottzen                                                                     Foxxy
    6pm     Liam Wakeman                                              
    7pm     Savannah Coronet                                                          Sweet
    8pm     Essence Bilasimo                                                           Sweet
    9pm     Hogan Bailey                                     
                                                   FRIDAY, APRIL 26
    1pm     Telima                                                                            Alyss
    2on      (Lisa Brune Not In This Week)
    3pm     Jack Slade                                                                     Foxxy
    4pm     AMforte Clarity                                                              Sweet
    5pm     Collin Martin                                                                   Foxxy
    6pm     Max Kleene                                                                   Sweet

Monday, April 15, 2019

This Week At PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue

Artist                                            Host
            Tuesday, April 16
3pm     Savannah Rain                 Sana
4pm     Wayne Davis                   Foxxy 
5pm     Erik Kottzen                    Foxxy
6pm     Liam Wakeman               Sana
7pm     TOXIE                             Sweet
8pm     Essence Bilasimo           Sweet

                     Friday, April  19
1pm     Telima                           Sana
2pm     Lisa Brune                    Sana
3pm     Jack Slade                     Foxxy
4pm     AMforte Clarity            Sweet
5pm     Collin Martin                Foxxy
6pm     Max  Kleene                 Sweet

Coming to alternate Tuesday starting April 23, at 9:00pm
Hogan Bailey

Coming to alternate Fridays in May starting May 3 at 8pm
Voodoo Shilton

Coming Soon The Knock Knock Club an intimate venue celebrating StandUp Comedy and offering Open Mic Events.  Now hiring comedic acts for opening and beyond.
 Contact: Petra Steele (petrasteele58), Owner, PETRA's~ A Live Music Venue.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Live Music at Petra's this Week


2PM     Paris Obscur                                      
3pm     Savannah Rain                                   
4pm     Wayne Davis                                     
5pm      Erik Kottzen                                      
6pm      Liam Wakeman                                 
7pm      Savannah Coronet                            
8pm      Essence Bilasimo                             


1pm       Telima                                                
2pm        Lisa Brune                                         
3pm        Jack Slade                                         
4pm        AMforte Clarity