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Showing posts with label personal growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal growth. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Nurturing Your Creativity: A Journey Beyond the Ordinary

Image: Freepik

Creativity isn’t just an innate talent; it's a skill that you can cultivate and grow with the right practices. This handy SLE News Source guide is dedicated to helping individuals who find themselves at a creative standstill, seeking fresh perspectives and methods to reawaken their inventive spirit. By embracing these approaches, you position yourself to break through barriers, discover new horizons, and infuse creativity into every facet of your life.

Embrace the Great Outdoors

Nature has always been a profound source of inspiration. By stepping outside and immersing yourself in the natural environment, you allow the tranquility and beauty of the outdoors to stimulate your senses and spark new ideas. The diversity of landscapes and the sheer wonder of the natural world can shift your perspective, offering fresh angles and concepts to explore in your creative work.

Mindfulness as a Creative Catalyst

Mindfulness practices such as meditation can significantly enhance your focus and clarity of thought. This heightened state of awareness clears the mental clutter, making room for innovative ideas and solutions to surface. Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine not only benefits your mental health but also sets a fertile ground for creativity to flourish.

Career Transformation

Reinventing your career path can be a daring move that breathes new life into your creative energies. Pursuing an online degree can usher you into unexplored realms of proficiency and insight. Specifically, learning about cybersecurity not only expands your horizons but also immerses you in problem-solving situations. Considering your cybersecurity degree, this challenges you to apply your creativity in safeguarding digital environments, offering a fresh perspective on innovation and to help with searching for the most fitting educational path.

Journaling Your Thoughts

Maintaining a journal where you can freely express thoughts, ideas, and reflections is invaluable for any creative individual. This practice helps in tracking your progress, understanding your thought patterns, and uncovering insights you might have overlooked. A journal becomes a personal inventory of inspiration, a resource you can turn to when in need of a creative boost.

Pursuing Creative Fulfillment in Your Job

Exploring a more creative job can unlock new talents and passions, bringing fresh inspiration and fulfillment to your professional life. Crafting a resume to showcase your distinct skills and experiences is an essential action in the pursuit of employment that nurtures your creative aspirations. By personalizing your application to meet the particular requirements of a job, you demonstrate to potential employers your commitment and pertinence. This approach enhances your appeal as a candidate. If you’re struggling to get started, this resource could help you learn more about putting together an excellent resume.

Celebrating Small Victories

Acknowledging and celebrating every achievement, no matter its size, is essential for sustaining your creative momentum. These moments of recognition fuel your motivation and bolster your confidence, reminding you of the progress you’re making on your creative path. Such positive reinforcement is crucial in maintaining a resilient and motivated creative mindset.

Leveraging Digital Tools for Creativity

There’s a large array of tools and technologies designed to push the boundaries of creativity. Whether it’s graphic design software, digital music production, or virtual collaboration platforms, these resources provide endless opportunities for creative exploration. Embracing these tools allows you to experiment and innovate, expanding your creative repertoire.

The Power of Physical Activity

Engaging in physical activity is another effective way to stimulate your mind and invigorate your creativity. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which can enhance cognitive function and spur creative thinking. Whether it’s a leisurely walk, a yoga session, or a more vigorous workout, physical activity is a potent catalyst for creative energy. Incorporating movement into your routine not only sharpens your mental acuity but also fosters an environment where creative ideas can flourish and grow into something tangible.

Creativity is not a finite resource but a dynamic and evolving force within you. By exploring nature, practicing mindfulness, embracing career changes, and leveraging technology, you unlock new dimensions of creativity. Journaling, celebrating achievements, customizing your professional approach, and staying active are all practices that nourish your creative spirit. Remember, every step you take to expand your creative boundaries is a step toward a more fulfilling and inventive life. Engage with these strategies, let your creativity soar, and watch as new doors of opportunity and expression open before you.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Secrets of a Goddess- Abrielle Bailey

I go by Goddess Bailey and I have a question to ask. It comes from my soul. The very essence of who I am It doesn’t matter if it's hidden deep inside a body that will wither away in time. I believe our souls learn, grow and move on to greater things over many lifetimes.  We are all born on earth with a clean slate from a past where we return to finish tasks from a previous life. Once we reach the old soul age, we become wise, live, let live and seek peace by all means necessary.


 When asked the meaning of life, shouldn’t it be easy to answer? Sadly, it’s not as we all find ourselves in trials and tribulations. It’s all part of the plan. Whatever the end goal is. None of us have the privilege of knowing. We believe what makes sense to us. I respect that. My writing may inspire you to use your energy to draw in only those who are worthy of your presence. Protect yourself from negative energy.

Second Life is a powerful place where we meet with our souls from the inside out. No matter our human appearance or earthly possessions. it doesn't matter. We are all sprites of the same source. If you paid attention in Science class, energy is never ending, it just finds itself back to the source that binds us all. We get drained and we recharge.

You can feel energy even in a virtual world if you pay close attention. Second Life is the source for thousands who can gather and find meaning, self awareness, discover things about themselves and meet others from all over the world. It’s the draw that makes us a unique community. The very reason we continue to come back. You are in control of your own destiny while taking a break from the world. Learn to balance the two so you aren't neglecting either life.

 I married very young and had children, right out of high school not in that order but since the tender age of 16, I found myself living a life that everyone expected of me. At that age our brains and bodies are still developing. I had to grow up fast and start making life choices that put my youthful development  on hold. I set aside my ambitions to ensure my children had the upbringing they deserve. I had to learn along the way.  As time went on going through the motions of life, I forgot who I was or never got a chance to know.  I skipped a vital stage of life that would have made me develop the skills and experiences I needed to navigate through adulthood. I’m not the only one. There are women all over the world that can relate and understand what I am saying.

One by one the children grew up into products of our parenting, Once they moved out into the world on their own life journeys. I found myself feeling lost with no self identity. I feared the world and stayed in what I was used to until I realized I was not truly happy.. I didn’t want to suffer in silence and live to please everyone else while draining away my own life.

I took a leap of faith after  26 years and tested my own strength. I needed to know what I was capable of. The epiphany occurred when I moved to another state for his career. I thought, will this always be the case?  Do I continue to put my needs and wants on the backburner? What if the flame goes out, I’ll look back at my life with regrets wondering what I could have contributed to the world.

When I made the decision to leave, I did it with the hopes my son and daughter would understand that I love them beyond words. My sacrifices. I

I deserve to be happy so I took my chances and bet on me.

In the past year, I learned I do have strength way beyond I ever thought in my entire life. I focused on my intent, my goals and what I wanted. 

Here I am today a strong confident woman. I am still a mother but I am also a writer, artist, hard worker, friend and a Goddess in my own right. I earn a living that sustains me and I did it all on my own. I never want to need a man to take care of me. I want to choose love

 because I want it. When I am ready I will.

I am forever grateful for those who inspire me and remind me who I really am and make sure I  achieve the things I set out to do without judgment. It’s called unconditional love. 

I continue to check off my goals and set new ones. I genuinely smile. I sleep well and I live my life. It is not perfect but it is perfectly mine.

 If you see me in Second Life spending time with friends, exploring the grid by myself or sitting on a throne surrounded by potential suitors.  It is because I am a Goddess and it was earned simply by being me and choosing peace in the presence of only positive energy. I may write for The SL Enquirer from time to time but you are welcome to look me up in Second Life. I don’t mind meaningful conversation.

How do you choose to live both your lives?

-Abrielle Bailey,

A True Goddess

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Sex ReSearch on Second Life – Zack Wonder Reporting

Avatars on Second Life (SL) meet challenges in dealing with other avatars on many levels. From day-to-day conversations and activities to very personal and intimate encounters, relationships are not always smooth sailing. Many avatars have gone through breakups both in real life (RL) as well as in SL, and have experienced the hurt produced by severing a mutual trust and the cessation of daily activities with the loved one. “Research shows that virtual-life breakups can be more painful than real-life breakups,” says Veritas McMaster (“Veri”), the leader of the SexReSearch clinic on SL and moderator of Healing Hurt clinic on Facebook. The clinic aims to heal hurt in SLand help avatars with their everyday challenges and personal growth. This is achieved by daily group sessions and private counseling.

SL Enquirer’s Zack Wonder participated in some of the clinic sessions and chatted with Veri to experience how they work, first-hand. He arrived at the clinic when the session was already beginning in the “Sex Research” group chat. First of all, participants were asked to scan their bodies and to rate their body sensations on a scale 1 to 10. The principle of the clinic is to equate visceral body sensations with actual emotions, and then to work out a way to “taper” the high ratings down to manageable levels, easing the anxiety of the participants. Veri and the Assistant Director, Charm Carter, facilitate the process working with one participant at a time. Not a whole lot of ground can be covered in the one-hour clinic, but unfinished business carries over from one session to the next. Zack witnessed many avatars participating in the clinic on a regular basis. Their problems ranged from simple domestic spats to insecurity in transgender issues and to finding “the right one” on SL. “I have a hard time thinking of things we've not worked on,” Veri said. “Many people come to me for private sessions and work their way into the group. Sadly, it's usually undeserved shame and guilt that they want to discuss privately.” Some avatars reported dropped ratings even during a 20-minute chat in the clinic’s group, and seemed happy with the process. The session ended with a group hug, allowing everyone to express their appreciation to the participants of the process. “Not only the one working gets the benefit of the session – they model the process for all participants, on-site or watching on group chat,” Veri explained after the session. Zack Wonder sat down with her for an in-depth interview.

SLE: What kind of avatars do you meet most often?? Regulars? Newcomers?

Veri: We've not surveyed participants for that specifically. It seems most are old timers in SL. We get some with new AVs, many of those are alts.

SLE: Can you relate some of the typical issues the avatars have seeking you out?

Veri: First heartache, 100% of those surveyed reported experiencing a painful breakup in SL. The next most frequent are gender identification challenges, sexual dysfunction, RL life challenges, and many who are working on self-improvement for themselves or their relationships.

SLE: What kind of help do the avatars expect to get, and what is the reality?

Veri: I can't speak to what they expect, that's a broad range. Because of our name, some come seeking sex and we refer them to one of our sister organizations. Those who come knowing what we do or after learning who want to balance anxiety, tension, chest ache (many call heart ache), sadness or arousal find they can do so quickly with the tapering method we employ. Those who have come and stayed long term have also found ongoing help from taking their ratings daily as they then have present moment information and the tools to get back to homeostasis.

SLE: How long do avatars participate in the clinics?

Veri: We have walk-in clinic every weekday at 9 AM. Most come for a specific need then stay engaged but not participating daily unless another need arises. Some come daily and become part of the team. We've only been open a year and a half. In that time there have been two major spin offs. One came about because Dr David Hubbard (DavidArguna), who developed the tapering method we employ, was so impressed with what we had achieved he asked me to start a live video clinic with him on Facebook, which we did, Healing Hurt Clinic. Weekly he leads three thirty minute sessions and a one-hour session the first Tuesday of each month on SL in Body Sensing. Some have learned our methods and are using them as part of their tool kit for working with others.

SLE: Can you describe a typical path an avatar takes toward healing?

Veri: Scan body for sensations (the body does not lie), rate the intensity/unpleasantness, identify source, take control (make a plot/plan to taper), repeat as needed until resolved.

SLE: Please describe the method used for healing at the Clinic?

Veri: The back story is really interesting. David Hubbard, MD, has a wide, diverse medical background. He started in pain management and currently has a clinic in San Diego working with opioid addicts. Osangar, the Doctor with whom I started this clinic, operated his fMRI machine and was one of Dr. Hubbard's grad students. Dr Hubbard developed the tapering method they and we use, based on one of Pavlov's lesser known theories. Tapering is now the treatment of choice in the United States. We are using tapering in different applications and testing it's efficacy. We are applying tapering to different applications and testing it's efficacy. There are many articles on tapering in the top medical journals and validating studies. Unlike psychological practices, the tapering method works because of what happens in our bodies and how the brain responds and processes. We do not work with cognitions, past or future. You essentially step down or lessen the dose by degree. What degree depends on what you are working on. Addiction can take a year. For our work with the sensations I mentioned, the average time is ten minutes to two weeks.

Veri also explained that it is revealing how clinic participants’ ratings and their ability to deal with their issues develop with time. “Our pilot study showed that 100% of those surveyed had experienced hurt (chest ache) from a SL relationship,” she said. “[The method is] based on neuroscience, taking cues from our bodies that don't lie. The ratings show us what needs to be tapered. Taking ratings daily or more frequently is a way to identify and keep track of what is going on. So the ratings do two things: show us where we need to work, and inform each of us personally on where we are in the present moment. Paying attention to the present-moment sensations keeps them from turning into symptoms and health problems, and the tapering method becomes a self-help process. Observing correlations over time is revealing and helpful, too. We are in the process of adding a Hunger Scale and Dr Hubbard is RL working on the problem of Air Hunger (our Chest Ache) for the Covid19 patients on ventilators. Free copies of our charts can be obtained at the clinic.”

With the tapering method, avatars coming to the clinic ashamed of their self-image or their destructive behavior patterns have experienced a way to reduce their unpleasant feelings on the road to becoming avatars with more fulfilling lives, less stress, and more balance. It is really commendable that professionals such as Osangar, DavidArguna, Veri, and Charm donate their time to these clinics, making SL a better place for all avatars.

Sex ReSearch clinic on SL:

Inquiries: VeritasMcMaster Resident (Veri), Carmen Berman (Charm)
Group: Sex ReSearch