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Showing posts with label online relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online relationships. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Relationships inside SL and Beyond

Join us Wednesday mornings at Whole Brain Health as we discussion topics on Relationships Inside SL and Beyond.  Topic:  Trust and Expatiation Date & Time: WEDNESDAY - January 6th  8:30am SLT Location: Whole Brain Health Facilitator: Pet Karu THE SESSIONS ARE IN VOICE SO PLEASE ENABLE VOICE SO YOU CAN HEAR.  I hope to see your friendly faces among the gathering. Here's your Uber: Also,...

Friday, September 14, 2018

New Blog Devoted to Virtual Sex & Romance

A new blog features discussions and information about sex, romance, and related issues in virtual worlds: (Note that there is no “and” or “&”). Sex and romance are among the most popular pursuits in SL.As in RL, they occasion many questions and discussions, which the new blog will cover. “I’ve had interesting talks in SL about virtual relationships,” said Eugene Rodgers, who created the...

Monday, November 2, 2015

A Love Story…From Second Life to Real Life- LilyLaceWing Reporting…

How one couple overcame over a thousand miles, and are still going strong today! It was no easy task, but I finally found love in Second Life!! No, not for me, silly! I have love of my own in SL and RL (same person, of course.) No, what I was looking for, was a couple who’d gotten their start in SL, then moved successfully into an RL relationship! Let me introduce you to Laney* and Bob*. Laney is a 34 year old young woman from California,...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

SL Torch Entertainment Guide: Catfishing in Second Life – Part 1: How the Catfishers Do It- Jessii Warrhol Reporting...

You have probably heard of the hit MTV show Catfish or watched the movie of the same name that inspired the show. According to the Urban Dictionary, Catfishing is “The phenomenon of internet predators that fabricate online identities and entire social circles to trick people into emotional/romantic relationships (over a long period of time)”. Read Mor...

Monday, February 27, 2012

10 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Strong -- NemzKat Resident Reporting

I interviewed KJ Kiranov and Xyza Armistice to ask about being in a strong, committed relationship in SL is and how to keep one. ...