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Showing posts with label mesh models. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mesh models. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2013

RA YA Designs is Taking Mesh to the Next Level- Piers Diesel Reporting...

In Second Life mesh has come leaps and bounds from clothing, shoes and hair to furniture houses and accessories.
However, there is something I discovered which uses mesh in another format that is very clever; mesh avatar models!
 You may have seen them around the grid. They can be in the shape of an avatar on the floor, draped over chairs or objects. Their appearance is very realistic and attention to detail has definitely not been spared. To me this has taken mesh out of the norm and to a whole new level.
To find out a bit more about the creator of RA YA Designs, I contacted Ryan3D Resident to tell me a bit about these mesh models and also about himself.

Interview with Ryan3D Resident