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Showing posts with label mermaid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mermaid. Show all posts

Monday, February 24, 2014

Prometheus' Fire Gallery Announces the Opening of the Mermaid Nook

 The muse of the sea visited Prometheus and drew him into the deep. Prometheus' imagination ran deep and swam in the beauty that the muse offered. 5 new pieces were created from this vision! Also displayed is a custom order that Prometheus made for a siren herself ... come look and see what he can do for you!  Neon Art, logo design, portraits & custom ordering available! Contact Prometheus (prometheusunchained)...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Put a Little Sunshine in your Second Life At Sunshine’s Cove Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Sunshine has some very important qualities besides brightening your day. It warms the soul and keeps you in a good mood. In Second Life sunlight is controlled by you. It depends on your mood and the environment you set for exploring. Let me take you on a tour of Sunshine’s Cove at Spirit Marina owned and operated by Pachy Artis and Bo Sharpshire. This is a sim where you will meet great people and have lots of things to do. You can take...

Monday, May 14, 2012

RP Culture: Fantasy Avatars- Pandora Drezelan Reporting..

Avatar Fantasy takes on many forms, it is a genre of fiction that uses magic and other supernatural phenomena, many mythical creatures can be found in the world of fantasy, with all it’s folklore and mystery. Almost, if not all fantasies in real life can be relived in Second Life, some residents explore the aspects of fantasy occasionally, while others form communities and live the lifestyle to it’s fullest potential, through cos-play...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mermaids In Second Life -- Pandora Drezelan Reporting

One of the beauties of Second Life is that you can be whoever or whatever you choose to be, the styles of avatars are almost unimaginable and the list is endless from human, vampire, demon, etc.--the choice is yours. And then there are mermaids, an amazing aquatic and mythological species with a human form and the tail of a fish, truly graceful and amazing. "Mermaid" is a mixture of two words, mer the French word for "sea", and maid, being a young...