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Showing posts with label matchmaking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label matchmaking. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2024

This weekend, try the ZEN METAL SeeKin test!


Step into the Fun with ZEN METAL SeeKin: Find Your Perfect Match on the Grid

Sebastyne Alpha, Creator of ZEN METAL and SeeKin, dares you find out the rules to a game you've been playing your whole first and second life. So, you think you’ve seen it all in Second Life (SL), huh? Tried every relationship tool out there and still not convinced anything new could make a difference? Well, I’ve got news for you: The ZEN METAL SeeKin test is here to prove you wrong. Recently featured in the SL Enquirer, this tool is about to flip your cynical view of virtual relationships on its head—and I dare you to try it. ZEN METAL SeeKin isn’t just another matchmaking service; it’s a game—a fun, engaging way to figure out who actually gets you. Whether you’re looking for friends, romance, or just someone to shoot the breeze with, SeeKin helps you find people who don’t just tolerate your quirks but actually appreciate them. If you think that sounds too good to be true, I double dare you to take the test and see for yourself. Why You Should Stop Rolling Your Eyes and Give SeeKin a Go
Yes, I know what you’re thinking: “Another test? Really?” But here’s the thing—ZEN METAL SeeKin is new, and that’s why it’s exciting! This isn’t about changing yourself to fit someone else’s mold; it's about finding out that 'being annoying' isn't a gender trait. It’s about finding people who see the world the way you do. If you’re tired of the same old SL relationship drama, SeeKin offers a fresh start. And let’s be honest, wouldn’t it be nice to connect with someone who actually understands you? But before you start planning your pixel wedding, let’s keep it real. The biggest danger with SeeKin is that your first match might feel like Mr. or Mrs. Right simply because they’re not entirely wrong for you. We’re so used to getting dragged into relationships with the exact opposite type of thinker that meeting someone who actually aligns with your values can feel like a huge relief. But hold your horses—it’s worth waiting a little while longer before you start picking out virtual china patterns. At the end of the test, you’ll get a special ring—your secret weapon for finding compatible avatars anywhere on the grid. Whether you’re hanging out at a club, exploring a new sim, or just shopping, this ring will help you spot people who actually vibe with you. It’s like having a backstage pass to the best connections SL has to offer, no matter where you go. What’s Next? Stay Tuned, and Stop Being a Skeptic! Look, I’m not going to spoil all the fun, but let’s just say SeeKin is just the beginning. There’s a lot more in store, and trust me, you’ll want to be in the loop. But for now, focus on having a blast with SeeKin—because who says finding your tribe can’t be a little bit of fun? Seriously, stop being so skeptical and jump in. Ready to Prove Yourself Wrong?

The ZEN METAL SeeKin test is now available on a dedicated parcel in Zindra. What is the best part? It’s free! Grab the HUD, follow the instructions, and get ready to unlock a whole new level of fun in SL. With your SeeKin ring on your finger, you’ll be able to find like-minded people wherever you go—making SL feel like the playground it’s meant to be. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s turn your SL experience up a notch. Jump into SeeKin and connect with people who make you feel like you’ve finally found your place. Go ahead, I dare you.

Monday, September 11, 2023


Hey Lifey Babes, this is your girl Monique coming to you with the hottest advice when it comes to dating in the fast-paced world of Second Life. 

Autumn is right around the corner and my favorite of the four seasons. There is something so special about the changing colors of the leaves, pumpkin flavored drinks, knitted sweaters and football (even though I have no idea what is going on in the game LOL). 

Cooler weather conditions are perfect for keeping everyone staying indoors and logged on to Second Life. And guess what, it is Cuffing Season! 

SL dating can be challenging for guys. It’s hard to separate yourself from every other guy in your Crush's inbox. Lucky for you, I have a solution, we can get her the perfect gift. 


The objective of cuffing season is to Woo your crush into being your Cuff for the Holiday Season at least up until after Valentine’s Day. Meaning, she is not your girlfriend yet. Therefore, we will need something a little less X-rated and something a little more flirtatious and thoughtful to win her heart!



The Holdie gift is the safest casual choice in the Second Life gift realm. Holdies can be a cute accessory that always fits. Most importantly, a Holdie drink can be an introduction to role play, a quick coffee date to get to know your crush; it’s natural and effortless. 

She will enjoy the gesture and always remember you when she is holding it. Small gestures can create the best memories. A great casual coffee date can lead to future dates! 

The pick up line: 

● “That (Insert X-Drink Name) would be perfect for (Insert X-coffee shop/ X-juice bar), let me Teleport you there!” 

Where do we buy the gift: 


● One of my favorite Holdie/Holdables stores. They have many creative options, they look realistic and have many Weekend Sales! 

In the pictures below I am at the MOVEMENT store. I am holding the “Autumn Evening - Coffee and Cinnamon” on display. I also have the” Donut Strawberry Shake.” 



Women are nurturers, it is in our DNA. Research shows men with cute animals in their dating profiles get more matches. Using this knowledge, we know she will love the perfect little creature as a gift. 

For the girl you already know, ask her in casual conversation what animals she likes and dislikes. Make sure her gift is not an animal she has a phobia of (that could end up to be a disaster). 

If she already has a SecondLife pet, you could get her something similar. If you two are on a personal level, you could ask her for a picture of her real life pet and you could get her the SecondLife version of that exact one. Her heart will melt so be prepared for all the Awes! 

Another thing to consider is your Crush’s overall aesthetic before you get her a pet. Example: 

● If your Crush is a girly-girl you might want something fluffy like a bunny/kitten ● If your Crush is edgy and likes black maybe a reptile/ bat 

● If your Crush is a mythical being she might like a fairy/dragon instead The Pick up Line: 

● “Your pet matches you perfectly, we should do a photoshoot of us and your new pet!” ● “I saw this (Inset X-pet type) that reminded me of (Insert her real life Pet’s name) and I thought you’d like it in Second Life too!” 

Where do we buy the gift: 

REZZ ROOM: ● REZZ ROOM is a great standard place to pick up the standard common pets along with a few exotic ones! 

In the picture below I am at REZZ ROOM hanging out with Lions, the cub is so cute! 



Cute Pajamas are a step down from the risque nature of lingerie, but still romantic. The perfect introduction to propose a late night movie date or snuggling by the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate. 

The pick up line: 

● “You look cute in those pajamas, you should wear them to watch a movie with me later.” ● “You look so cozy in that, you should wear it by this fireplace at (Inset X-location) while we talk and gaze at the stars.” 

Where do we buy the gift: 


● The store is full of nighties, sleeping shirts and other cute sets I have been eyeing. 

In the picture below I am wearing pajama shorts and a top set with adorable pizzas on them from Gossip, they also have an avocado and cow version if you like! 



Jewelry is for the woman you already have a deep romantic connection with.The gesture will make her feel special. You can present the jewelry on a romantic date before proposing the idea of spending the Holiday Season together. 

Simple earrings or a bracelet that matches your crushes style should do the trick. The benefit to Jewelry is it fits, and ideally should be able to match many outfits. Everytime she looks at it, she will feel adored. Remember, diamonds ARE a girl’s best friend! 

She will have something to show her girlfriends while she talks about how exciting and thoughtful you are. 

The pick up Line: 

● “I really enjoy spending time with you, my family lives far away and I was wondering if you’d like to see eachother on (Inset X-holiday).” 

● “There’s a party and I would like you to be my plus one if you would like to join me!” ● “I was thinking you could wear this. We could both dress up for a photoshoot for (X-holiday) if you like!” 

Where do we buy the gift: 


● An amazing location to pick up a little trinket or chain of all metals and a variety of styles. 

VEXIIN: ● Firstly, the store is very aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The store reminds me of a Casino, a great place to actually bring your crush to pick out the gift herself. Vexiin has great classic pieces or pieces that are more blingy your crush likes that look more! 

In the picture below I have on a double butterfly chain from VOBE called “Valentina Necklace Silver ''. I think it’s so pretty. The watch is from VEXIIN and called “Merit Diamond Watch (Platinum)” I wear it all the time as a timeless piece. 


Autumn is one of the most eventful Seasons and in our down time indoors it is a wonderful thing to be able to spend it with people we care about, especially your Crush. As a guy, you can always show the girl you care about affection and treat her with a special gift to make memories that will last longer than a Season.