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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at
Showing posts with label magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magazine. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2022



PLAYDOLL'S MAGAZINE is the preeminent and authentic men's interest periodical in Second Life. The series has won six SL awards and has been published every single month since its inception into the metaverse in 2007. The longevity and consistency of the periodical make it the reader's choice that attracts sponsors and modeling talent alike because people trust the lasting power of the organization. Become a Playdoll's VIP at our historic mansion, pick up your complimentary copy of the latest issue, and explore our sim on the well-appointed premises on Relaxation!

Thursday, January 28, 2021


I love my work as a Reporter for SL Enquirer.  I get to travel to places I might never visit otherwise, and I get to help introduce our readers to some of the more interesting aspects of life on the grid.  Some assignments are more challenging than others.  This week we take a look at Playdolls Magazine and the Playdolls Organization.  It meant going to parties, touring the compound, interviewing some of the grid’s most gorgeous residents – Yes…a tough assignment, I know, but SOMEBODY had to do it!  I never would have dreamed, as a 14-year-old adolescent, umm…” admiring” my Dad’s Playboy magazine (for the articles, of course) …that I would one day get to interview the proprietors of the modern-day equivalent:  Playdolls.

In the course of this assignment, I had the pleasure of being shown around the Playdoll’s campus by Playdolls General Manager and 2021 PlayDoll of the Year, (Silky) Cari Soulstar.  She introduced me to Chief Executive Officer Brea Brianna, 2016 PlayDoll of the Year, as well as Miss November 2018, Gilly O’Connor, and Miss February 2021 Liz Bergamasco.  They were all gracious enough to answer my questions.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):  Tell me, Silky?  How did Playdolls get started?

Silky Soulstar (SS):  Playdolls was founded by Tazzy Jenkins and a couple of partners in SL in 2007.  She passed away suddenly in 2018, but it was her consistency and kind demeanor that gave the group its longevity. 

JB:  How is Playdolls Magazine different from the other gentlemen’s magazines on the Grid today?

SS:  Playdolls differentiates itself in that it has been around for so long, since 2007. It is the authentic men's interest periodical in SL, and has won six SL awards over that time. The periodical itself limits modeling to pinups and includes creative writing and artistic representation. The periodical is also a popular publication for our sponsors to market their businesses. As technology improves in SL, and other advancements are made, you can also see those same evolutions in the Playdolls Periodical. The longevity and consistency of the periodical makes it the reader’s choice and attracts modeling talent because people trust that we have lasting power.

JB:  What makes the Playdolls campus different from other adult sims out there?

SS:  The campus includes two buildings that our founder rezzed in their original location.   We also have Tazzy's memorial on-premises.  There is an outdoor dance club with a pool, and our company headquarters.  One of Tazzy's buildings is the dormitory for our models.  The other is our Mansion which includes gathering spaces with activities.  None of the furniture on the premises is adult rated:  All poses are PG. We believe the social dynamic between the sexes is enough to attract a more rewarding interaction, as opposed to open sex sims.  Playdolls has never really been about sex, or adult-rated content other than our pinups who pose nude in the periodical.  Think of the models as the modern equivalent of the socially engaging flapper girls from the 20's!  The social gatherings that the sim facilitates help support the sim and the magazine. People tend to support one another when they are together! 

JB:  Tell me about your VIPs.  What makes these folks so special, and what are the advantages of VIP Membership? 

SS:  VIPs are our lifeblood. It's so important to have a vibrant and socially active following to support the periodical and models. We do the magazine for everyone's enjoyment... the ladies love modeling, our writers love writing... and our VIPs love reading all of the content. We also all genuinely love each other's company.  We have a good time role playing, chatting, or just playing social games like pool, darts, greedy, chess, backgammon, or whatever! We also love to dance and listen to good music together. The VIPs gain the company of the ladies of Playdolls in a rewarding, unpretentious social setting. The staff has been tipped, but it's not expected at all. Services are not for hire at Playdolls nor will they ever be.  VIPs are there at Playdoll's for no fuss and just for their enjoyment, no strings attached.

JB:  What does it take to become a Playdoll?

Liz Bergamasco (LB):  Before you decide to become a Playdoll you need to be sure you know yourself very well and know you have the characteristics needed to be a good Playdoll.  You need to be self-assured, socially committed and most importantly, you need to have a true and honest heart so you can really support and care about the VIPs and other ladies.  You need to go through an interview to become a Playdolls contestant after which you garner votes, 10L at a time, from your family, friends, and everyone else willing to do you a favor. The contestant with the most votes will become a Playdoll.

Gilly O’Connor (GO):  In a way, it is a popularity contest BUT, it is all up to the model/contestant to promote herself. She can do that by visiting the Mansion and chatting and getting to know other Playdolls and guests. Additionally, you need to promote yourself in other groups and among family and friends. It is helpful, though not a requirement, to be current with a mesh body and head.

JB:  Why would someone want to be a Playdoll?

LB:  When I became a dancer, I loved the aspect that you can make people happy by what you are doing and also the fact that you are part of a social group.  I am a lady with social graces who loves to take care of people.  As a Playdoll I can use these natural talents. I absolutely love the strong connection between the gorgeous ladies of the sorority and I feel honored to be part of it.  I enjoy giving men the attention they need.  To be a listening ear for them and make them feel appreciated is a real pleasure for me.

GO:  I was searching for my niche in SL that would give me something to be a part of to bring me out of my shell. I came across Playdolls at a motorcycle rally where they had a promotional stand. I visited and here I am now! *smiles*

JB:  What are the advantages or responsibilities of being a Playdoll?

LB:  As a Playdoll you are not just a model.  You represent our community.  You wear your title with pride and dignity. One of the advantages of making it as Playdoll is the wonderful chance you get to shine and sparkle on the cover as well as on a bunch of pages in our precious magazine.  You are not just a model for a month.  Once you win the voting, you will become a Playdoll's model for life.  There will be opportunities to have more Photoshoots and you will be on the Playdoll's Annual Calendar.

GO:  I think the biggest advantage, especially here lately, is the bond and sisterhood we have. For our active Playdolls we have our dormitory where we get an apartment. We have areas within the dormitory where we lounge and hang out together when we have downtime. I love planning our outfits each month for our themed pictorials for the magazine.

SS:  Playdolls models take on the responsibility of being stewardesses of the Playdolls brand so that it can continue.  The benefits to being a model with Playdolls is that the model gets to be featured in one of SLs longest-running periodicals.  How cool is that! Our models also get a two-room suite to decorate to their liking on campus.

JB:  How is the Playdoll of the Year selected?  What is that process like?

LB:  Every active Playdoll of the Month will automatically be entered into the yearly contest.  There is a contest board where people can vote for you as often as they want.  The one with the most success will become Playdoll of the Year.  She gets the honor to be one of the few lucky ones to be an ambassador of Playdolls.

SS:  The winning PDOY then takes up the honor of being a prominent ambassador to the Playdolls brand.  If the PDOY cannot serve for any reason, the runner up became the next girl up! Hopefully going forward things will become more stable in the future.
JB:  Where would you like to take Playdolls?  What is the “Big Picture” here?

SS:  We will continue to refine the periodical, and take that art form as far as it can possibly go... taking advantage of new advancements and technologies as SL evolves. We want exquisite photography, and enticing journalism and entertainment for our readers.  We want to collaborate, and give notice to all the fabulous content creators in SL. We hope to connect with the wider SL grid socially and expand our network so that we collaborate with a diverse group of VIPs and contributors. We really would like more diversity too, so we are casting a wide net to welcome everyone and be very inclusive (within reason to the adult human form factor of course).

A letter from the CEO, Brea Briana

Playdolls is not only a magazine, it is a culture built on dreams. We all join SL to refine our lives and accomplish things that may not be attainable in real life. What we offer is a chance for normal girls in SL to wear our tag with pride, build confidence, and feel wonderful about themselves. This culture, if embraced, can change your SL life forever. And with every new model, and every new Issue we aim to only convey the pride and love we have for our models all across the SL Grid.
When I won Miss February in 2016 both my worlds changed forever. It is an experience I have never regretted and Playdolls has been in my heart since that day and has never left it.  After the tragic passing of our founder Tazzy Jenkins in 2018, I pledged to remain tireless and steadfast in my aim to make Playdolls Magazine the premier Men’s pictorial in SL.  With my trusted colleagues, Silky and Gilly, and all the models and staff, I feel we are well on our way to accomplishing this dream.

So, there you have it, Folks.  Playdolls is always looking for models and DJs. See if you have the right stuff to be a Playdolls model or a Playdolls VIP.   Go check ‘em out the original Playdolls at the Relaxation Sim:

Sunday, December 27, 2020

PlayDoll's Magazine- Visit us at Playdolls Mansion

PLAYDOLL'S MAGAZINE was Founded by Tazzy Jenkins in 2007 and is carried on in lasting love & honor. The periodical has won 6 media awards. With over 5K reader's per month, PLAYDOLL'S MAGAZINE is one of SL's most widely circulated periodicals.  

Gentlemen, come for your ViP memberships. Leaf through our periodical, or just enjoy the company of a woman doting on Your arm at the Playdolls Mansion! Drinks served inside the Mansion at Tazzy's Pub, replete with working darts, pool table, and Greedy. Live DJs and performers each week at Club Pink Kink, all on the Relaxation premises at Playdoll's Magazine, Second Life's eyebrow raising social & entertainment destination!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

What is Elite SL Music Magazine ?

Elite SL Music Magazine  is a vibrant source of realtime information about music events in Second Life. Elite SL reporters comb the metaverse to bring up-to-the minute stories of musicians and the venues they play in, bringing together stories of Real and Second Life careers. Constantly growing, changing, and reshaping itself, like the music and the venues it describes, Elite SL Music Magazine  is the go-to WebZine for all lovers of real music. Join us on these pages and inworld to learn more, and to feel the music!
We offer Live Performances , a close up on SecondLife Music World , candid interviews , reviews and events covered.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Elite SL Music Magazine recently reviewed a stunning chanteuse, Lisa Brune.

Elite SL Music Magazine recently reviewed a stunning chanteuse, Lisa Brune. Check it out!

We are also looking for writers to review performers, DJs, and venues.  If interested, contact mcmackin or Acacia Merlin in world. You will be asked to submit one review on spec. If accepted, you will receive 500 Lindens and an invitation to join the team.  Each subsequent review will be 500 Lindens. We’d like to have our reviews 500 words max. Please read some of our previously published reviews as a guide before doing your own. And we’d love to hear your ideas for SL Music stories and profiles.

Elite SL Music Magazine is a vibrant source of timely information about music in Second Life. Elite SL reporters comb the Metaverse to bring you up-to-the minute reports on musicians and the venues they play in and stories of performers’ Real and Second Life careers. Constantly growing, changing, and reshaping itself like the music and the venues it describes, Elite SL Music Magazine is the go-to WebZine for all music lovers. Join us on these pages and in Second Life to learn about the must hear performers, the hottest as well as the undiscovered venues, and the behind the scenes stories of music in Second Life.

We cover live performances, venues, and SL’s top DJs, and provide a close up view of Second Life’s richly textured music world through candid interviews, reviews, and photography.

You can find us on social media here:

Facebook :
Twitter :
Pinterest :
VK :

And you can advertise on our web site at the following rates:

180x180 texture for 1 month @ 1000 L$ / 2 months @ 1500 LS
Banner: texture 460x80, minimum 2 months @ 2000 L$

Monday, July 30, 2018

Elite SL Music Magazine is a vibrant source of timely information about music in Second Life

Elite SL reporters comb the Metaverse to bring you up-to-the minute reports on musicians and the venues they play in and stories of performers’ Real and Second Life careers. Constantly growing, changing, and reshaping itself like the music and the venues it describes, Elite SL Music Magazine is the go-to WebZine for all music lovers. Join us on these pages and in Second Life to learn about the must hear performers, the hottest as well as the undiscovered venues, and the behind the scenes stories of music in Second Life.

We cover live performances, venues, and SL’s top DJs, and provide a close up view of Second Life’s richly textured music world through candid interviews, reviews, and photography.

You can find us on social media here:

And you can advertise on our web site at the following rates:

180x180 texture for 1 month @ 1000 L$ / 2 months @ 1500 LS
Banner: texture 460x80, minimum 2 months @ 2000 L$

Thursday, June 8, 2017


Playdolls June issue is available at our headquarters in-world and on SL Marketplace.  This month we introduce Playdolls newest model, Heather Ashford, in her debut centerfold spread.  We also have an interview with BBX owner, Aymec Millet discussing 5 years of creating high quality boats, yachts and luxury homes.   Also, we have a complete guide to all the exciting role-play possibilities to enhance your SL experience and a fashion spotlight featuring fun, spring fashions by some of the best clothing designers and much more.  Get your free issue at our headquarters, located on the Playdoll's Mansion & Club sim or get one now on SL Marketplace here:

Playmates Publications has been publishing our award winning magazines since 2007, making us the longest running adult magazine in SL.  With over 200 pages of classy, professional photography, interesting articles and entertaining content plus over 30 of the most beautiful models in every issue.  Join our group "Playdolls Magazine" to get your monthly issue sent directly to you and join our "Playdoll's Mansion & Club" group to stay informed about our fun, themed weekly events.  See you all in-world!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Playmates Magazine's August Issue Is Out Now!

Don't miss this month's issue of Playmates Magazine featuring Miss August - The sexy Compoqueen in her debut centerfold spread, plus the Playmates models invite you into their private boudoir's in a hot pictorial.  Also, we go deep into the mystical world of Gor in an informative article and then give you some great tips to update your look in "Avatar Tune-Up's" and so much more!
Get your free Playmates Magazine at our headquarters in-world or one of many kiosks throughout SL or get it now on SL Marketplace using this link:

Playmates Magazine is the #1 Adult Magazine in Second Life since 2007 with over 200 pages of professional, classy photo's, informative articles, fashion spotlights and destination highlights.  25-30 of the most beautiful women in SL in every issue!
Join our group and get the current issue of Playmates sent directly to you each month.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Windlight Magazine Announces Name Change to Kultivate

 JULY 31, 2016

Windlight Magazine announces its name change to Kultivate Magazine. The name change is part of the rebranding of Windlight to reflect its expansion into other art forms, including music, fashion, and literature.

Kultivate Magazine will continue being a provider and supporter of the arts in Second Life and will continue providing these services to the many artists and creators in Second Life. The brand will also continue providing services to it’s real life virtual patrons in the form of tutorials and classes.

The name Kultivate was chosen for a variety of reasons. Brand founder and publisher, John, explained his reasoning for the choice of name: “When I created Windlight last year, I wanted to assist artists and to provide resources for the art world to anyone who wanted them. I also started Windlight in memory of a much beloved younger sister, who tragically passed away two years ago…….Kandis, my sister, experienced growth in more ways than one in Paris and took her photography to new heights and levels as she perfected her craft. This growth is what has lead me to rebrand Windlight into it’s new name: Kultivate.” The choice to spell cultivate with a K was in honor of John’s sister Kandis.

Kultivate will encompass Kultivate Magazine, The Edge and The Edge Gallery, Windlight Art Gallery, Windlight Bailywick Gallery, The Riff, and the upcoming Team Diabetes of Second Life Art Gallery.

“Cultivation is the art and science of growing things. We hope that you will continue to grow with us and Kultivate our love of all things artistic. Please note that our strong commitment to the arts will never change. We will continue to have our art shows, our galleries, and our many artistic events to bring you the resources you have grown to love and utilize. If anything we will simply expand and bring you additional resources to help you to cultivate your craft, “ continued John.

For More Information
For more information on the brand’s name change, please visit the following link:

About Kultivate
Kultivate’s goal is to support and further the arts in Second Life. The main art forms that the brand supports are 2D and 3D art, literature, music, fashion, and lifestyle elements. For more information please visit:

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Playmates Magazine's May 2016 Issue Is Out Now!

This month we salute the far-out 60's with a groovy photo spread featuring the Playmates Models.  Plus, we explore the world of kink in an informative article, "50 Shades Of Everything You Wanted To Know About BDSM".  Also, we bring you spring fashion bargains and a look inside the Playmates Mansion & Club, Our Playmate of the Month Centerfold with Beckie Turbo - Ms. May and much more.
Get your free issue here on SL Marketplace
or in-world at Playmates Magazine Headquarters or one of the many kiosks around SL.

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Frenzy magazine is an exciting publication in second life. Our aim is to entertain, educate and promote the second life community. FM provides informative articles,amusing features and stunning photo layouts. We also hold contest and other events, currently we are running the frenzy foxx search photo contest. 
Coming soon is frenzy live, an live talk show loosely based on the magazine.

Frenzy magazine is an holding of kp media ltd, which include klub kool. Please check

Klub kool       􀀀

Frenzy foxx search

Slur for frenzy fox contest board location: 

More information is available by contacting koolprince akina

Thank you

Koolprince akina
Ceo kp media ltd.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Playmates Magazine's March 2016 issue is on stands now!

 Featuring Lina - Playmate of the Month.  Plus the Playmates models in a fun Hooters Girls photo spread.  Also, 25 Ways to Make Money in SL, St Patrick's Day fashion ideas and much more!  Get your free issue at our Headquarters in-world or on SL's Marketplace here:

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Style Kingdom- Different Faces of Xmas, November 2014 Issue

With a 360 degree revamp we presents the “Different faces of Xmas” by our talented SK models & guest stylist from Fashion Teller, BOSL, FEROSH, 5th Avenue, SCALA, iNOVARE, THEMA. Introducing a new section for all your A/W essentials. Also an exclusive preview of our business partner PENUMBRA’s A/W fashion week items and an interview to get to know the REAL LIFE person behind Style Kingdom’s CEO/Founder Dougie Boxen

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Style Kingdom Magazine has A BRAND NEW LOOK for Vol 6!

 Bringing you the best in Bohemian Fashion this Spring! Articles on The Arcade, Negativity in SL fashion, DJ Bouncer Criss, La Galleria, Desir, Pixel Icon and many more!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The 2013 Avi Choice Awards Coming December 15 at 3pm slt –Cast your votes today!

The Avi Choice Awards is an annual awards presentations that features talent creators, artist, musicians, media personnel and other movers and shakers immersed in Second Life©.  These talented individuals are recognized by, nominated and voted for by residents.  Last year’s response was a great success with over 65000 visits to the website with an astounding amount of votes. This year the Avie Choice Awards will be held at The Christmas Expo, in the Auditorium on Sunday, December 15th at 3pm slt.

 Hosted by
 Trader Whiplash & Nuala Maracas of T1 Radio 
Presented by
 Saffia Widdershins & Elrik Merlin of Designing Worlds as well as SL performers, Satin Galli & Erin68 Frog.
Featured Performances by
 Particle Tom & Lexi Marshdevil, Therese Nightfire, Wayne Davis Rocks Band and the Guerilla Burlesque Dancers.

Special guest appearance by
 The American Cancer Society’s Stingray Raymaker

Be sure to stick around for the after party for a few more surprises!

Get your show ticket here!

This year, The SL Enquirer was nominated for this prestigious award!
Vote for SLE here!
 (Entertainment Category)

email: for more information about this event or visit

*The event will be Formal/Black Tie.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Style Kingdom Magazine 1st MINI SPECIAL!

Our mini special honors the Top 3 winners from our 1st public casting. 
Showcasing their journey in their ever-changing and creative styling through our different styling challenges.
We’re very proud of our Top 3 winners who have joined us in our official model’s team. Details on our 2nd public casting can be found within the mini special! 

**To join the public casting group paste this in local chat in-world :


Copyright © 2013 Fyrian LLC

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Introducing Style Kingdom Magazine©: A Fresh New Look into Second Life Fashion- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

 Fashion is defined as a popular trend in the style of one’s attire and even manner.  
In the 19th century, fashion houses began to emerge, usually created by male designers like Charles Frederick Worth who was the first designer to sew his label on garments he created. 
 In the 20th century, most high fashion was originating from Paris and trickled into London. In the same century, Fashion magazines with photography became very popular in different countries. These publications would send their editors to Paris fashion shows. This gave rise to department stores that would purchase the latest fashions being showcased, stealing the designs, recreating and selling them at different locations. Fashion magazines were responsible for influencing the wide spread of fashion trends and effecting public taste.

Today, fashion design has become a competitive art form and is part of many of our daily lives and what sets us apart from others. It is a big deal in Second Life just as it is in the real world.  Without this form of creativity, people just like avatars would dress alike and it would be difficult for them to show their personal style. From high fashion couture, formal, casual and active to urban, beachwear, footwear, hair, accessories and fantasy garments; Second Life has a large selection of things to wear. What adds to personal style is attitude to pull off whatever we put together for a unique ensemble.

Dougie Boxen is CEO and publisher of Style Kingdom©. For a considerably new fashion publication, it currently boasts over 1000 reads so far for its latest issue.  SK is a non-profit magazine that aims to showcase the best styling talents in Second Life. August marks Style Kingdom’s 4th issue. Each issue includes a note from the editor, gorgeous models, new faces in fashion, creative photography and descriptions of the latest trends available in Second Life.

The SL Enquirer sat down with Dougie Boxen to learn more about him and his new contribution to SL’s Fashion world.

Interview with Dougie Boxen

Friday, October 12, 2012

Follow the Music with VMS Magazine

VMS Magazine is a magazine focused on the Second Life music scene , interviews and reviews about musicians and music venue

You can read us inworld by clicking on one of our kiosks or you can simply read it here :
Teleport to VMS Venue & Offices 

Levity Magazine Celebrates its 1st Anniversary : October 2012 Volume 12

This issue features a horoscopes spread for October, including some fashion favorites, articles and entertainment ads. You will also find a note from the the publisher and Editor in Chief.  

Congrats on your milesstone Levity!

Check out the latest issue here:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Spotlight on Maya Sharpshire: In the Zone ...Luc Fray Reporting...

Maya Sharpshire
Maya Sharpshire heard of Second Life 6 years ago on tv, but it wasn't until 2009 that she started her humble beginnings. According to her, her first week had been quite difficult as she didn't really know anyone and she was left to herself to explore alone the metaverse.