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Showing posts with label lifestyles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyles. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

LGBT Lifestyle and Support Groups In SL – Camury Reporting

Most people have little knowledge and a lot of misinformation about the lives of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender. Homosexuality is often mentioned in the negative form, with stereotypes and prejudice, or it is considered something strange and dangerous. However, as more and more homosexuals are openly talking of their lives, this situation has been transformed. Over time, the negative attitudes will change and people will feel more...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Gender Imposters Umong Us- Jane Doe Comes out the Closet- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Hotseat InterviewNot your Average interview…We ask the Questions you wouldn’t dare to…  ~The SL EnquirerConducted by Lanai Jarrico=========RECORDING===============Lanai Jarrico: I'm sitting here with “Jane Doe” to talk about an interesting Lifestyle for a Man living SL as a Woman. I'd like to start by Asking the Million Lindens Questions...Why have you chosen this Lifestyle?Jane Doe: originally I was a man in SL as I guess most men start out. It was fun, SL is a big new place to someone who has never been here before. I progressed from being...