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Showing posts with label jessi2009 Warrhol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jessi2009 Warrhol. Show all posts

Friday, July 4, 2014

Spotlight On SL Fashion Model Nickle Sparrowtree - Jessii2009 Warrhol Reporting

Last Saturday was the debut show organized by Nickle Sparrowtree. This was a special show, which was in honor of World Pride. The show also was a Relay For Life of Second Life fundraising event. Many raved about the show, especially the organization of Nickle. I caught up with Nickle to ask her a few questions about her modeling career and her thoughts on Second Life....

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Overcoming a Break Up in Second Life- Jessi2009 Warrhol Reporting…

So you were at work in real life and saw the email that showed your items had been returned from land you shared with your Second Life significant other. Or you logged on and found out that you were de-partnered and your Second Life significant other had blocked/muted you from contacting them.  These two scenarios may sound like horrible ones, but they are often true in Second Life. So how do you mend your broken heart?  Surviving...

Friday, May 31, 2013

Religion In Second Life- Jessi2009 Warrol Reporting…

If you are in tune with your religious and spiritual side, Second Life offers many locations and groups for the religious and spiritual minded individual. Religious & spiritual locations can be divided up into three categories. The first category is replicas of famous landmarks. This category includes replicas of such famous religious landmarks as The Cathedral of Notre Dame. The second category are sims which have actual in world...