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Showing posts with label ironman zeplin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ironman zeplin. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

SPOTLIGHT ON IRONMAN ZEPLIN/ Tiny Empire’s King of Veritas Fidelis among other things - Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

For those of you unfamiliar with Tiny Empires, it is a medieval-themed multiuser HUD-based game within Second Life created by The Emperor Ultralite Soleil.  Back in 2014, The SL Enquirer interviewed Second Life resident Ironman Zeplin about his involvement in Tiny Empires. 8 Years later, he is still involved. We caught up with him to find out what kept him so engaged all these years and what other things he's involved in Second Life.Interview...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Tiny Empires/ Spotlight and Interview with Ironman Zeplin- Chipie7 (aka Shaneos Howlett) Reporting...

Tiny Empires is an addictive medieval themed multi users  game that can be played within Second Life.   It is free to play and requires a HUD. SLE met up with SL Resident Ironman Zeplin who plays Tiny empires and he  shared some useful information with us. About Tiny Empires There are two versions. Tiny Empires is based on Medieval times and Tiny Empires3000 is based on space exploration.  For this...