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Showing posts with label intimate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intimate. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Spotlight on TenderLove: an Animation System for Loving Couples-DoctorKaren Kanto Reporting…

Full disclosure: I own TenderLove and have for some years now, and I love it. TenderLove is a sex animation system with some very special features that come together to allow a couple to do more than have sex. It allows them to make love. Where most animations are separate and involve jerky jumps from one to another, TenderLove allows for sequences that are smooth, flowing and graceful. Where control of the animations is usually with...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Let’s talk about SLex – Glossom Resident Reporting…

There is a certain inherent eroticism around Second Life for the many graphic images that appeal to human nature: the skins and shapes that are models of perfect and sensual bodies, the provocative clothes or the lack of them and even the animations that give avatars a sexy twist.  Additionally, this platform allows us to voice with each other without having to reveal our identity, lifting eroticism into a whole new level: sexy...