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Showing posts with label government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label government. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2022

GeekSpeak subject for Saturday July 2nd at noon SLT: Where do you see the world heading?

 Are we facing nuclear war, the end of democracy, pandemics, a burning planet, extinction?  Will we go down the drain and be forgotten?  Or is there a new future ahead of us?  Peace, cures for all diseases, space exploration? Are we facing problems or opportunities?  Or are we facing both, depending on what we do about them?  What can we do to make the future a better place?  Are you hopeful or fearful?  Do...

Thursday, June 2, 2022

eekSpeak subject for Saturday 4th June at noon SLT: Should we answer the WOW! signal?

 In 1977 a signal from space was detected, a signal that might have come from aliens.  It is now known as the WOW! Signal.  There are rumors that a second WOW! signal was received recently from the same area.  Should we answer it? It might be dangerous to let aliens know we are here.  Perhaps we should hide.  On the other hand, they probably can detect our presence anyway and not answering could be considered rude. ...

Thursday, November 4, 2021

GeekSpeak subject for Saturday 6th November at noon SLT: Will the future World Government be a World Company?

Is it possible that one company will suck up all the money and resources of the planet and eventually grow into a world government?  Some countries, like China, are run like companies now.  Could such a country win against an international conglomerate?  Will we be ruled by China or Tesla? What will the world be like if it is run by a company?  Remember Adam Smith said that rule by company was “perhaps the worst of all governments...

Thursday, August 26, 2021

GeekSpeak subject for Saturday 28th August at noon SLT: Privacy, good idea or bad for ID?

Let’s discuss why governments and companies want to have all our data, all our histories, all our tweets. Are you in more danger from your government or from Facebook or Twitter?  If you spend more time on social media and in virtual worlds than you do on the street then maybe social media are more dangerous.  In the Facebook world you are always known wherever you are, while in some countries you do not have to carry ID.  On the other...

Sunday, January 24, 2021

What Could Go Wrong? Let's Visit The Bermuda Triangle - Stacey Cardalines Reporting

 2020 was perhaps a cursed year... so why not start 2021 in the Bermuda Triangle? Where danger rears her ugly head, Stacey Cardalines is sure to tread. My sources informed me of a paranormal hotspot on SL, and I was chartering a boat five minutes later. The Bermuda Triangle is a section of the Atlantic Ocean where a bunch of ships and planes have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The points of the triangle are roughly...

Saturday, December 15, 2018

GeekSpeak – are we heading for big trouble in the western world?

This month we have seen massive protests in European countries and in the USA.  Why are people so angry?  Could it escalate into something even bigger?Which should be more afraid, the people or the governments?  What sort of obedience do we owe to our governments and what do they owe to us?If the protesters succeed what difference will it make?  Will it just mean some other guy in office?  Or could the entire system be...

Saturday, April 14, 2018

GeekSpeak – should we have a ministry of happiness? Join the discussion on Saturday, April 14th at 12pm SLT

Should governments measure their success not by financial growth but by the effect they have on the happiness of a population?  Should we all copy Myanmar and have a ministry of happiness, whose job would be to make everyone as happy as possible?  Should the government send clowns onto the street, to make the children happy?  Should police officers give out free ice cream once in a while in an attempt to change the mindset of angry,...

Saturday, May 27, 2017

NIC- The People Behind the Government-Nomad Aries reporting...

  NIC is a company that designs, implements, streamlines and manages electronic business solutions for local, state and the federal governments of the United States of America. The CEO and chairman of the board is Harry Herington.  NIC describes their business as that of public servants because they enable governments to be more accessible and user friendly to their constituents.  NIC's  slogan is “ Making Good Governments...

Saturday, June 4, 2016

GeekSpeak - What is the Best Form of Government? Saturday June 4th at 12pm

This week we will discuss the different forms of democracy, representative, direct and liquid democracy.  We will also talk about other forms of government such as communism, meritocracy and futarchy.Which one is best?  What makes a country change its form of government?  Should there be any government in Second Life or on large internet communities such as Facebook?Is a world government possible? Do you want a world government? ...

Friday, May 31, 2013

NIC eGovernment Island in Second Life- Nomad Aries Reporting…

Recently I visited NIC eGov Island in Second Life to see exactly what government is doing in the virtual world. This is not a Role Play sim and does not simulate a government. It is however, designed to deliver real local, state and federal government services to the public. What goes on at the NIC eGoverment sim and what is NIC eGovernment Island about ?...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Politics: Could Big Brother Be Watching You?- Mackenzie Abbot Reporting...

 In everyday life, politics shapes our world.  From how high the curb must be to how much taxes you pay. Someone, somewhere, makes the laws of the land.  There's no getting away from politics.  Turn on your television or open any newspaper and you will see some member of government talking about the hot topic of the day, or defending the latest proposition to change the law.  Every government in every country control...