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Showing posts with label couture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label couture. Show all posts

Sunday, March 12, 2023

PLAZA Is Coming!

 Extravagant, visionary, and one-of-a-kind, PLAZA is haute couture for your home. May 20 - June 13 2023 brings the PLAZA event to Second Life. a multi-region event dedicated to all things for your home and garden. PLAZA is an opportunity to shop at more than 100 different businesses all at one event. If you’re looking for a new home or cottage or need some gardening ideas or a new car, this is the place to be. With the large variety of businesses...

Friday, May 30, 2014

MumuHime_Tribe Lines- Urban Street Wear to Couture

This store is about having a “mixture” of taste and style, focusing on the diversity that one person can tend to have. One place to feel understood regardless of your background or what you like to wear from urban street wear to couture. It’s for those individuals who do more than just want to fit in.  Be about the Mixture... MumuHime_Tribe Lines one of the outfits that shows that, the perfect mix between dressy & casual,...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Farewell Bliss Couture - Tea Couturier Reporting...

Bliss Couture is sadly closing its doors after 6 years of being one of the Second Life’s  top fashion houses. ...

Friday, August 9, 2013

Spotlight on TRESOR COUTURE; the Re-invention of Affordable Elegance for the Fashion Diva in Second life on August 16 ©- Orchids Reporting…

“The phoenix must burn to emerge.” -       Janet Fitch(White Oleander) The word "couture" immediately conjures up the image of a highly exclusive designer and clientele whose capacity for creation is considered highly unique and off the beaten track. Couture fashion in the real world and in second life to a great extent comes at an interesting decline in the pocket contents. Few people can really afford clothing...

Saturday, June 8, 2013

ROMANCE COUTURE Grand Store Opening Event - Sunday June 9th 12-4 SLT

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Romance Couture is moving from Inworldz to SL, and bringing its stunning range of high quality ladies' formal wear, cocktail wear, shoes, jewelry and accessories. Sunday June 9th, 201312pm SLT-4:00pm SLT Live Music performances by   Subtlety Dalglish 12:00pm slt  Jonas Lunasea 1:00pm slt Ganjo Mokeev 2:00pm slt   Maxx Sabretooth 3:00pm slt ...