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Showing posts with label costumes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costumes. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Halloween Destinations in Second Life- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

 Halloween originated by the Ancient Celts with an annual pagan festival of Samhain to welcome the harvest at the end of Summer. It was celebrated with bonfires, feasting and dancing in costumes to ward off ghosts. Wiccans honored their ancestors by building altars adorned with pumpkins, apples and other fall crops. Some Wiccans added photos of deceased family members and even special baked bread to feed visiting spirits. Storytelling was also...

Thursday, October 22, 2015

What Will You Do for Fun on Halloween?- Camury Reporting…

Halloween Shops in SL (Costumes, Decorations, Haunted Hunts & Activities) Halloween is a traditional and cultural event which takes place mainly in English-speaking countries, especially the US, Canada, Ireland and the UK. History shows that Halloween originated from the pagan celebrations of the ancient Celtic cultures. During Halloween, we see pumpkins and costumes and hear the famous line "trick or treat" which all play...

Saturday, October 17, 2015

About Halloween and How it is Observed Around the World and in Second Life- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

October is the time of year when the leaves begin to change into vibrant colors and the warm summer air cools down into a new season--if you are in a place that experiences 4 seasons. It is also the month when Halloween is observed. Many countries celebrate Halloween, but it is most popular in the United States and Canada. Interestingly enough, trick-or tricking actually originated in Ireland. Halloween has always been one of my favorite...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Halloween Second Lifers!- Orchids Reporting…

Halloween  or the "All Hallows' Evening" is near!  And so is  the time for making jack-o'-lanterns and dressing up for Halloween parties, but do you know the real story behind this holiday? This is an old Irish myth about a man "Stingy Jack." Stingy Jack once invites the Devil to have a drink with him and tricks the devil to turn himself into a coin. Jack puts the coin into his pocket with a silver cross. The devil could not change...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Best Halloween costumes 2012 -Kavi Aldrin Reporting...

  Halloween is by far one of the most celebrated events in Second Life. People from all over the world participate and enjoy this American festival.     There are many ways to dress up for Halloween. Everyone should start with what they want to be or represent. 2012 has quickly become a year for Vampires and Zombies as they are one of the most popular costumes across the grid. There are people who also like the wild side...