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Showing posts with label climate change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climate change. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2022

GeekSpeak – How do we save our planet? Join the discussion on Saturday, August 27th at 12:00 pm Noon SLT

There are so many things that threaten Earth or life on Earth or human life on Earth.  What should be done about them all?  And what should we, as individuals, do about all the threats?Climate change threatens all life.  Plastic pollution threatens all marine life and maybe all life.  Habitat destruction threatens thousands of species.  Pandemics and the dishonesty of Big Pharma threaten human life.  Then...

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Saturday 17th July at noon SLT: GeekSpeak – Climate Change!

Last week there were extreme temperatures in Canada, the USA, and above the Arctic Circle.  There were stories of towns suddenly burning down and unprecedented loss of ice at the poles.  Are we now in ‘the worst-case scenario’ predicted by the IPCC? What needs to be done?  What will our future be if we cut down on carbon emissions?  And what will it be if we don’t? Will we see cities with all the streets covered to give some shade? ...

Thursday, February 18, 2021

GeekSpeak – Subject for Saturday 20th February at noon SLT: Climate change! Are we all going to die?

 Are you worried about climate change?  Or do you think the danger has been exaggerated?  Or maybe that it is all a hoax? If we assume that it is real then some very serious changes are going to hit the earth.  Some places will become much warmer, some much colder.  There will be severe rains where deserts used to be and drought in formerly wet countries.  How will the world cope with that?  How many will die? Will...

Saturday, September 17, 2016

GeekSpeak – how should we prepare for a global warming disaster? Saturday , Sept. 17th 12pm SLT

Last week NASA published a new report on climate change.  They say we have only five short years left before a runaway greenhouse effect starts on earth.  If we can’t stop it, we should prepare for it.  So what should we do?We may be facing enormous floods, massive extinctions, millions of climate refugees, wars to keep out climate refugees, food shortages because of failed crops and cities sinking underwater because of rising sea...