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Showing posts with label climate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climate. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2022

GeekSpeak – How do we save our planet? Join the discussion on Saturday, August 27th at 12:00 pm Noon SLT

There are so many things that threaten Earth or life on Earth or human life on Earth.  What should be done about them all?  And what should we, as individuals, do about all the threats?Climate change threatens all life.  Plastic pollution threatens all marine life and maybe all life.  Habitat destruction threatens thousands of species.  Pandemics and the dishonesty of Big Pharma threaten human life.  Then...

Friday, September 17, 2021

GeekSpeak – Is there New Hope for our Climate? Join the discussion Sept. 18th at 12pm SLT

 Last month a report from a thinktank called RethinkX suggested that certain disruptive technologies will mean that we produce less carbon without even meaning to.  Perhaps these technologies mean that we will not destroy our planet after all.Let’s talk about these disruptive technologies.  What are they and why are they so disruptive? Let’s discuss the speed with which the world changes when disruption hits.  Horses...

Saturday, October 20, 2018

GeekSpeak – can we prevent or survive climate change? Join the Discussion Saturday, Oct 20th at 12pm SLT

According to the IPCC (the intergovernmental panel on climate change) the next 12 years will determine our fate on our beloved Earth.  Will we completely change our ways and go green on a massive scale?  Or will we all perish in a series of cataclysmic events that will destroy everything we have taken for granted for so long?If we do survive how will we have to change?  Will life in that future world be worth living at all? ...