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Showing posts with label child roleplay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child roleplay. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Dark Side of the Kid Community - Pen Dragon Reporting

 Due to the nature of, and implications of, this article no real names will be used to protect those who spoke with me in regards to this topic. Second Life is a fantasy world where we can be and do whatever we, as residents, choose. Some people engage Second Life as giants or superheros while some live out a more opulent life than they could afford in reality. The range of possibilities are endless. Most people live their second...

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Second Life Children Launch Keyword:YOUTHSPOT to Connect the Community - Shiny Blackheart Reporting...

The oldest youth group of second life has a new campaign to help foster an inclusive and accessible community for the children of Second Life. The group Second Life Children, established in 2006, co-founded by citizens Gemini Enfield and Linnian Sugar, helps SL kids get together, but the mission has been challenged the group said. A notecard distributed by SLC lamented a run of recent closures of youth focused SIMS; attributing the...