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Showing posts with label child avatar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child avatar. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Second Life Children Launch Keyword:YOUTHSPOT to Connect the Community - Shiny Blackheart Reporting...

The oldest youth group of second life has a new campaign to help foster an inclusive and accessible community for the children of Second Life. The group Second Life Children, established in 2006, co-founded by citizens Gemini Enfield and Linnian Sugar, helps SL kids get together, but the mission has been challenged the group said. A notecard distributed by SLC lamented a run of recent closures of youth focused SIMS; attributing the...

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Want to Get Pregnant in Second Life? Let’s Explore this Question.- Lanai Jarrico Reporting..

It has been a while since I’ve binged on some candid articles about the culture of Second Life so I decided to browse the events list for some writing inspiration and came across this question….  “Want to Get Pregnant in Second Life”?  I’m no stranger to this topic. Many of my friends have popped out prim babies, I even had a stork (creator) drop one on me to promote and play with. Besides that forced parenting experience...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Children’s Fashion in SL - Tea Couturier Reporting...

We tend to assume fashion in Second Life(c) is only for adults, but in SL fashion is also available for children and babies. Believe it or not, it is in high demand because we do have a high number of children avatars in the SL community too. It is important to feature the top deals and children stores in SL for those who have SL children or are SL children themselves. We are aware of zooby clothing but  there are other stores available...