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Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Monday, December 3, 2018

Getting A Head In Life Pandora Drezelan reporting

Okay, the last time that I wrote I had been checking out the Mesh situation in Second Life. I sampled a few demos and decided on the Maitreya Lara and Belleza Venus bodies.
I am currently wearing the Maitreya Lara body.
I liked both … it’s good to have a back up plan I guess.

The time had come for me to make a choice regarding my system head and this is where the problem started.
I really liked my system face … I mean like REALLY but I hated my actual system head. It didn’t look good with my new Mesh body no matter what I did.
I tried Mesh hair and Tattoo layer makeup I even bought a choker to hide the neck seam however there was no denying the way that I looked to ME.
Shopping wasn’t as much fun anymore. Everywhere I went I saw I lot of amazing makeup that I couldn’t wear unless I had a Mesh head.
This is only my opinion but unless you are really lucky then most system heads do not look good on a Mesh body. While the Mesh body is smooth wearing a system head with it doesn’t match up and may appear to have harsher edges.
I have always been a fan of LAQ. I’ve worn their skins for as long as I have been in SL. Two of my favourites were Lacie and Tasha so I decided to go back to where I started in the beginning and I purchased every demo that I could find.
I had five heads to demo. Sandy, Nyx, Leia, Neve and Poppy as well as skins and make up and the demo HUD.
I made a Project Folder for my demos and now the fun begins.
I demo’d everything to death for over two weeks and after many early mornings and sleepless nights Poppy won as my head of choice.
Then I TP’d back to LAQ
and bought EVERYTHING on my check list and straight back home again to get it all sorted. I had already tweaked Poppy’s head to look the way I wanted her to look. Now it was time for the final touches.
I made a folder for all of her body parts and named it Pandora’s Poppy. I made copies as well because I just make copies of everything. It drives me crazy that my inventory is so organised but I like it that way.
Now Pandora’s Poppy is complete. If you haven’t converted over to Mesh and you want to  then remember to demo EVERYTHING.
Make all the changes that you want on the demos. You can always take a break and start again later.
Converting from Classic to Mesh is your choice. It’s your Second Life not someone else’s so you decide.
I knew that giving up the face that I had known for eight plus years in SL would not be easy.
I was about to take on a whole new look and it would be worth it.

Friday, September 14, 2018

New Blog Devoted to Virtual Sex & Romance

A new blog features discussions and information about sex, romance, and related issues in virtual worlds: that there is no “and” or “&”). Sex and romance are among the most popular pursuits in SL.As in RL, they occasion many questions and discussions, which the new blog will cover. “I’ve had interesting talks in SL about virtual relationships,” said Eugene Rodgers, who created the blog. “For instance, does a person in a committed RL relationship cheat if they have virtual sex with someone else? And why is BDSM popular in SL? Contributions to my blog should prove enlightening.” Rodgers is the author of “Femme Fatale Online,” a mystery novel with an unidentified villain who acts through an avatar in a virtual world like SL. “She tries to seduce the married hero into a virtual sexual relationship,” Rodgers said. “He agonizes over whether to go along. I first planned a blog to address this and other issues raised in the ebook, but decided there was a greater need to focus entirely on sex and romance.”

Rodgers is restricting the blog to serious discussions and legitimate questions. “I’ll remove any salacious material or improper solicitations that may be posted,” he said.

Blog topics include:
Best places to make friends and go on dates
Questions and advice about virtual relationships
Is it acceptable for a committed person to pursue virtual sex or romance?

Meeting in RL  LGBT & BDSM
Best clothing-free sites
The Future—How will virtual reality affect online sex and romance?
Other Virtual Worlds

Be among the first to raise questions or initiate discussions at!

Sunday, May 7, 2017


blogging, noun. Contemporary definitions for blog. noun. an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog, Web log. ... Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.

There is a theory, that writing blogs is a great way to hone one's literary skills, develop an audience, and eventually reach the attention of Important People, and that therefore if you want to be a writer, you should start off writing blogs.

Or you could just want to blog but don’t fancy starting your own web page...

There are many well-established blogs regarding all things Second Life related, the SL Enquirer among them.
SL entrepreneurs, designers or event coordinators are looking for bloggers who can provide their readers with pertinent and factual information about exclusive items that are on sale or events and other news that’s happening on the grid.

Bloggers work hard to provide the consistent and reliable coverage that readers expect and entrepreneurs want.

If you do want to become a blogger in Second Life, here are 10 essential tips for starting your blog:

Search support groups
On the internet, you can find support groups that are specialized in supporting those who want to be a blogger in SL. In these groups, you will find information about designers and events looking for bloggers, tutorials for photography, post-production, marketing, writing, etc.

Support Groups:

SL Blogger Support:

Blogging Second Life:

Search for designers and events interested in Bloggers
There are a considerable number of designers and events looking for bloggers. The important thing is that you choose wisely that which you want to write about. You can choose clothes for women, men or children, shoes, accessories, jewelry, skins, shapes, tattoos, body appliers, hair, poses, home & decor, and a whole lot more.

List of designers looking for bloggers

List of Events Looking for Bloggers:

Make the application
Generally, designers and events, make applications available via the internet or to apply by sending a notecard in-world. Requirements are generally: having some blogging experience, time, having an active Flickr and Facebook account to share your posts, etc. Be honest when filling out the application and do not waste your time submitting the application if you do not meet the requested requirements.

Take care of the Layout of your blog
Keep in mind that your blog layout should be clean and to the point. People should not be distracted with too many widgets as this is a nightmare on the eyes and they will forget the reason why they came to see your blog. Choose a readable font and nice colors.

High-quality photographs are everything for those who want to be a successful blogger in SL. Searching the internet you will find links, blog posts, videos, and lots of information to get you started! Some successful bloggers offer many interesting tips on their blog.

Strawberry Singh
Luna Jubilee

Remember to quote credits with the full name of the stores at the end of your posts. Even if you use the same item in multiple posts, a visitor may be seeing your blog for the first time. Do not forget to include often-overlooked credits such as locations, poses, and animations.

Title the blog effectively
Blog post titles are one of the most important factors influencing search and click. The title of the post should be descriptive and clearly communicate what the post is. Always remember to just promise something in your headline that you are delivering in your post.

Disclose your name
Designers like to read blogs and if they like your blog, and want to submit items, they should be able to locate your full in-world name on the blog, so they can find you with ease.

Marketing your Blog
So you have a blog, with such thing comes the readers they can keep coming back for more. For this, you need to make good use of other social media platforms. You can share your blog with your friends, email list, on social media like Flickr, twitter, Google +, Plurk, Facebook, Forums, on other blogs and comments, in world groups and mailing list. Just be polite and polite and do not irritate your potential readers with spam and harsh and unpleasant approaches.

Love what you do
Blogging is not about obtaining free stuff... It’s imperative that you identify with the designer or event you are going to blog for. If you are starting out blogging, remember that it’s meant to be fun, don’t let anyone stress you out.  You’re the owner of your blog.

Write for the SL Enquirer
If you really want to write about Second Life, but starting your own blog is not feasible, contact Lanai Jarrico of the SL Enquirer and she’ll get you going.

Good Luck and happy blogging.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Three Ways to Peaceful Posting by Linda Lauren

If you want peace, you have to be peaceful. The way to encourage peace is through our words and actions. Often, we go daily thinking we are peaceful, loving people and for the most part, that is correct. However the incidents of encouraging peace are not evident in the media streams that engorge us with information, and we often miss the point because once we share, like, or follow we are making a statement and endorsing that person's belief system. Today more than ever it's important to be judicious with what you click on in the fast streams of information and people that pass through your computer.

For healthy endorsement and effective peaceful posting, consider the following:
1. Who is the source? Is the cause you are championing a real cause or is it something you found on the Internet that passed through your stream by someone you may or may not know?

2. Are you responding because you're embarrassed? If you "share" or "like" something, be sure you are doing so because you want to and not because someone shamed you into it. I've seen many posts pass my stream with a threat or dare that I'm not a good person if I don't do what is asked. Some have gone as far as to dare people to share! Those are bully tactics.

3. Are you mindful of whom you follow? Those people that you friend/follow also get your stamp of approval when you connect with them, and it's important to be discerning of the material you release. It is a direct reflection of who you are on the Internet. It becomes part of the identity you reveal publicly.

By being aware of how we interact when we are presenting ourselves on our computers, whether that is via Internet browsing or social media, will help us achieve a better balance of the issues we face daily. This allows us to discover our stance regarding our own beliefs, as it will help to separate them from the ones by people who communicate with us via our computer screens. You have to know what you believe before you can be challenged by another.

Remember: Your clicks, replies, shares, likes and follows are very powerful and should not be so easy to acquire. They are the pieces of the puzzle of the person you become when you are at your keyboard. It's part of your computer profile. Taking action now will help you create a powerful profile of peace, online and off.

originally posted on HuffPostLiving ( 2-17-15

Thursday, May 22, 2014

How to Make Your Business be one of the Best In Second Life- Piers Diesel Reporting...

Having or starting a business in any worlds can be a tough, with long hours, dedication and most of all the will to make your business if not the best but one of the best in the business world.

So where do you begin? There are a few steps in achieving the goal of becoming a successful business and here is a few steps to get you started.

Get a website
If you don’t have a website then you need to consider one. As 99.9% of your customers will check your website out to see what type of business you are by just the way the website is designed and the information you provide, even if you do not sell anything on it. Make sure your website delivers results. So it looks attractive, functional and has the ability to attract new customers to it. Appearance, organization and first impressions are very important because they represent your business.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Attention Blog fans! There's a New One on the Scene! Straight Styling

Have you ever walked past an avatar and wondered where they got their outfit, shoes and accessories? Now you don't have to risk approaching them to ask and being rudely shut down and told to find your own trendy wear.
Ain't Nobody Got Time for bad attitudes, just being Badass!

It's sad to say that many avies keep their wardrobe secrets to themselves while others may share a landmark and you are on your own from there.

Straight Styling is a brand new blog created by Augustas "Auggy" Agony that contains the info you need for some of the hottest fashion combinations in Second Life.

Don't waste your time shop hoppin' for hours until you find something that works, especially if you have a hard time mixing and matching designer clothes,  visit Straight Styling and teleport directly to the featured stores and make your shopping experience much easier!

Check out the latest trends here:
Straight Styling

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spotlight on Akasha Sternberg, Model And Blogger- Pandora Drezelan Reporting...

Akasha Sternberg is a certified model, lover of fashion, and a blogger. She graduated with La Mode Modeling Agency on the February 25, 2012. 

Akasha talks about her introduction to Second Life and her modeling career:
‘I heard about Second Life on a German radio show. I was curious and downloaded it. I stayed for about a year, but got bored, so I left for three years, only to come back with a bang, and I’ve loved it ever since.
‘In regards to modeling, I’ve learnt to do my own HUDS and about new fashion and styling genres - some of them I ended up loving dearly. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012 News: The Best Community for SL Lovers

Check out the Latest SN News

Finesmith and Lush Limited at Oglam  
The Evil Bunny Hunt 2-In Full Swing  
New Soul Effects in the Designer Spotlight 
Seleane Goes Casual with Coco and Mimikri  and more!
