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Showing posts with label birth control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birth control. Show all posts

Monday, March 28, 2011

5 Most Familiar Mistakes in Birth Control Methods- Betsy Coon, Estrogen pills can be utilized by both men and women for different reasons, but even with regular use in women to try to alter their fertility patterns, mistakes can nevertheless be made in birth control methods...

Monday, December 22, 2008

CULTURE: Online Dating- 100% Birth Control...

Imagine the PossibilitiesPros-----*Enjoy Second Life with a companion or companions.we all need one unless we settle for a virtual dog or a hampster...*half the rental fees and more help in business?*cheapest form of dating ever created Next to speed dating.*finally finding true love...again?Cons-----*commitment issues are now compromised*domestic drama and bickering is more then likely*feelings of being smothered, held back or on a short lease.*break up within 4 months.making up/breaking up again*sleepless lonely nights A look into the Phenomenon...