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Showing posts with label bikes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bikes. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2024

BoobsRock Car/Bike Show Sept 13-15- Mark your Calendar!


Join us for our Sept Car and Bike Show, Vendor Spaces and Sponsorships Now Available, Claim yours NOW! Car/Bike Build and Paint as well as Tiny and Theme Care Categories

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Spotlight on TX MAINSTORE with TECH (tech.robonaught) Reporting Katrina Karsin

Today we are sitting down with TECH (tech.robonaught) the owner of TX, he is a creator and mechanic of vehicles and all the mechanics one would want to make their dream car drivable!  He starts with the Shell or body of the car and provides the mechanics to make a car actually drivable in Second Life!

Kat (katrina.karsin): Hi TECH Nice to meet you, may I start with why did you decide to Create Shells and all the gear to so you can drive in SL?  Was there a demand for it?

TECH (tech.robonaught): My initial goal was to make it affordable for the average person.  There were a few vehicle parts suppliers already in SL, but they were expensive - and me being a vehicle nut myself I too was poor and didn’t have the budget for their parts.

Kat (katrina.karsin): I remember checking out cars in SL myself cause I wanted a vintage 1965 Mustang and the prices at that time were crazy I thought.  So when did your first start creating and did you open your store right away?

TECH (tech.robonaught): People come to SL to escape reality and that includes not having to drive their minivan, but being able to create or buy whatever vehicle they can imagine as well.  My first Second life store was furniture and clothing, when I started getting into vehicles I found parts and full permissions cars expensive. and just thought I could do it better, so yeah, I had a small store established, and it’s grown with me from a 1024 lot to the full sim we have today.

Kat (katrina.karsin): I agree SL can be an escape from the old minivan – lol! Did you start in 2008?

Tech (tech.robonaught): No, the TX Gear name was created around 2015, it the abbreviation of me and my SL partners first names (does not mean Texas).

Kat (katrina.karsin): Oh ok cool idea for the name!  When you had the mechanics down for making the shells did you turn to make parts for the cars?

TECH (tech.robonaught): When I had the ability to make the bare shells, I turned my focus to the vehicle scripting - between myself and a few others we now have probably the most realistic vehicle scripts available in World.  Having a low script use to boot, which makes them ideal for all kinds of environments.

Kat (katrina.karsin): Scripting is complicated to me, I think of it as coding for a computer so I am very impressed you have the ability to learn.  It can be very intensive does it take up most of your time when creating something?

TECH (tech.robonaught): Well, I tend to make something work first and then add to it or fine-tune it afterward so yes, between version 1 of my vehicle scripts and the version 10 it is today has been about a 3-year journey.  I rely a lot on the builder’s feedback and it has improved the scripting a great deal.

Ҡặт (katrina.karsin): I see you have some very detailed scripts for your vehicles to make it as realistic as possible, do you think it is why people prefer your creations?

TECH (tech.robonaught): Yes lol! As much as SL is about fantasy, many people prefer realism when it comes to vehicles so, suspension, running out of fuel and things like that all add to the end-users experience.  I’ve been complimented on the realism both in the vehicle shells and in the scripting.

Ҡặт (katrina.karsin):  Your attention to the realism and detail accuracy is very impressive, being able to customize a speedometer so it looks like a Ford or Dodge or other name brand vehicles plus the type of vehicle is truly amazing!  So, I could put a Dodge speedometer in a Ford Mustang if I wanted to?

TECH (tech.robonaught): Yes! or just go digital and stick it in the windshield glass?  I tell my customers, you’re the builder, it's your imagination I just provide the tools.

Kat (katrina.karsin): Now that is extremely impressive! How about the sound, we all know there is a different noise each car makes to another?

TECH (tech.robonaught): Sounds are another person's endeavors, but I wanted them here, so they don’t pay rent or anything like that, I just wanted them here for availability to my customers.  I also have a license to carry some other people’s creations, to have them available to my customers as well.  Versatility is the other thing I was going to mention, I’ve used my vehicle scripts to build everything from riding lawn mowers to big wheels to army tanks, hot rods, tractor-trailers, we try to cover almost all of it in one package.

Kat (katrina.karsin): One stop shopping is a blessing, especially if you have kids in tow! Have you had a customer who is unable to drive in RL come to you for a vehicle?

TECH (tech.robonaught): I have builders who aren’t able to drive in RL building and selling SL vehicles yes.

Kat (katrina.karsin):  It is important to listen to what a customer may want and in a way you are fulfilling other peoples dream as well as your own simultaneously!

TECH (tech.robonaught): Yes, very true, plus I just like cars and trucks!  See I don't script them though, I leave that to my customers (my builders), it helps the economy here to spread the money around ... I probably have over 200 US "imports"

Kat (katrina.karsin): US imports like Ferrari’s and Lamborghini’s I imagine are on many people’s bucket list!  You must be working with builders all the time I imagine helping them be successful?

TECH (tech.robonaught): Yes, daily, hourly I would say.  I provide the tools so they can be successful as well.  A shell can take anywhere from 6 hours to 40 depends on the complexity of it - I can script one up fully in a few hours, teaching someone else we cover with notecards and instructional videos on all the primary parts and functions so it really all depends on the builder’s knowledge of basic building skills.

Kat (katrina.karsin): Wow 6 to 40 hours pending on the complexity!  That means you need patience when building your dream machine.

TECH (tech.robonaught): This is a long game, you will not be successful overnight, not in this or any business in SL, take your time, build a quality product at a quality price, don’t cheapen your own work, and people will come to you.

Kat (katrina.karsin) Do you have any closing words to people interested in creating cars and trucks like your company does?

What I would just like to stress to new builders to just have patience and realize it's going to take time.  I want to see each and every one of them successful and will do all I can to help them do so and I'll continue to improve and offer new products so they can keep making great stuff to sell!


Website:  TX Gear Site and Support



Monday, August 3, 2020

9 Lives on 2 Wheels- The Ghost Explorer

You may not notice me but I am watching you.  From a corner at the Japan Tempura Island, or maybe at a club while you are listening to your favorite singer and dancing your heart away.  I am watching you.

I am reading your profile and after measuring how exciting a second life you live, I will see your picks or the places you like to hang out at. 

Creepy?  Well, thank you very much but that is how I have accumulated the most amazing map of exciting places to visit in SL.  Last month, After landing at an SL trailer park concert, I followed a suggestion for The Wastelands.  Upon arriving, I realized that I needed a bike.  Of course we all have those cheap copies in our inventory.  I wanted a real bike and nothing else will do. I selected the highly recommended Fatal Customs Chopper.  At the store, I was welcomed by Fate, the owner. Super cool guy who looks like he eats his breakfast while surfing during a tsunami in shark infested water.  He showed me a wide selection of Harleys and like a ghost in a candy store, I picked the first Black Classic Fatboy I saw and TP'd back to the Wastelands.  I was not disappointed.  The ride was pure power and I felt like Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man rolled into one. 

 My bike is powerful, practical, playful and pimping.  It can even fly!  Now, the thing with Fatal Customs is that once you purchase a bike from them, you become part of the family.  I truly was not expecting that in SL and here it is; A Second Life Store with First Class Service.  Needless to say that I went back to Fatal Customs several times afterwards and actually, thanks to Fate, I am the proud owner of a Springer Softail, a Knuckle Duster, a Lane Splitter Red and an Angel of Death.  

Now I look for places where I am allowed to rez my bikes and roam this strange land.  I used to walk alone and now...I ride alone.  

Don't worry, I will still be watching you and reading your profile, but it will be at 200 miles an hour.

What are you riding?

The Ghost Explorer

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Grand Opening of Darks Customs- Car Show Friday July 31st at 8pm SLT

Darks Customs is celebrating a "Grand Opening" by a car show this Friday 7/31
at 8PM central time, bring anything you would like bikes, cars anything with wheels with  
no scripted vehicles it keeps lag down.

To qualify:
  •  must be your build
  •  You can use other creator's parts but would like to see diffrent types of stuff
  •  You may put the scripted version in a box beside the truck/car and set it for sale.
Darks Customs is an offroad shop and the only one in SL custom built lift kits to fit your vehicle just right. We also offer custom frame builds such as anything from rollcages to suspension high level of detail is put into Dark's work. He builds mostly with prim.

 Come  check out some of his builds in the showroom at

Darkprince also builds a few custom bike frames depending on what you want, anything from drift cars to drag racing.


Contact: Darkprince Blackrain for more details or to talk about a custom build