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Showing posts with label beautiful places. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beautiful places. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

5 Beautiful Places to visit in SL-Lilly LaceWing Reporting…

The Trace

Second life is full of beautifully designed sims to explore, find adventure, and to see visions we couldn’t see in RL without the use of some strong, good old fashioned hallucinogens.  Today, I bring you the five most beautiful (to ME, remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder) places currently in SL.

The Trace, The Trace Too

This is a beautiful sim, with autumn trees all over, the ground covered by a thin, brilliant layer of yellow, orange and red leaves. Perfect for fall, and with a rustic, country charm to it, this place is perfect for either a romantic date, taking photos with your sweetheart, or just doing some good old fashioned photography! Especially charming was the barn with the horses around it, and the gazebo behind it on the hill to the left added that special note of home to this lovely autumn landscape. Do check this one out!

Skye Neist Point

Skye Neist Point

  You land in a sun ray dappled meadow, right in front of a beautiful wooden bridge over a stream. Little white flowers pop up by a pond, and this trail is definitely one you want to take in first person view, to get the full experience. This gorgeous sim screams for a picnic basket and a loved one. Or a quick, earthy run with your dog through the woods. Whatever your speed, this a stunning place to come explore. I really love the shafts of sunlight filtering down through the thick trees, so beautiful, and so real!

Makeahla Jungle

 Makeahla Jungle

Ever wanted to go on Safari, but you can’t afford it, and don’t want to accidentally support poachers? Go to Makeahla’s Jungle! I ran into the lions first, then (ahhhh!) running from them, I found a much safer spot, next to the Zebras, who all grazed calmly upwind of the predators that could eat them for lunch. As if knowing this, a vulture rests on one of their backs, just biding his time. White birds fly over head, but I don’t recognize what type they are. Giraffes stretch their long legs out to the side to drink from what looks like seawater (don’t do that, it’ll make you sick!) while others stride through it with heads in the sky. This is a rad, rad, place, I can’t really say more because I need the room for others, but you’ll miss out if you don’t see this sim!

Baja Cove

Baja Cove

You guys didn’t think I wouldn’t include a beach, did you? Of course I’m going to! Baja Cove is a neat, happening little beach where you can surf, check out a towel and get some sun, or just bask in the raw power of the ocean as its waves break the shore. There are even rentals there if you just can’t tear yourself away from salt in the air and the barking of sunbathing seals. The sound of the ocean is well represented here, and you’ll find when you close your eyes you can almost feel the biting sting of ocean wing, and the smell of salt heavy in the air. Go here for peace, and water fun!



This is just, quite simply, a beautiful place to visit. Trees are everywhere, big, leafy, and beautiful. There are waterfalls, and an underwater area to hang out for those of us who prefer to be a mermaid. There are a collection of cottage type houses, almost like you might find in Skyrim. A beautiful fireplace warms the main floor of the house I enter, which has three levels. At the ground level, you find the living space, rustic, and old fashioned, the ambiance somewhat spoiled by the massive white Greedy Greedy lettering to the right of me, the only blemish in an otherwise perfect medieval theme. You can, and I did, spend lots of time here, exploring both above ground, and under water. If you’ve never been, I highly recommend you check it out!

 I love bringing you these compilations of neat places to go in SL, where are some of your favorite places to go? Tell us in the comments below!!