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Showing posts with label ballroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ballroom. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Petra Steele Rejoins SL's Live Music Community With Stunning New Sim

Petra Steele is back in SL running yet another  live music sim with her characteristic emphasis on quality and personalized care for guests and artists alike.
While the trademarks of elegance and imaginative concepts for each of the three current venues on the sim,  there are also changes which enrich the experience of the sim.

Petra is proud to introduce her peerless management team of Nem Altacia,
General Manager and Amber LeFavre Altacia, Booking Manager.  We have developed a wonderful rapport and coming to work is something each of us look forward to .  At every event you will find all three of us present, welcoming guests as they arrive as well as responding to any needs they may have.

We have been open since mid June and offer the best live artists in SL Entertainment Community.  Three venues grace our lovely sim which  faces the east and the setting sun:  These include...

      - The Hermes Ballroom, a Neoclassic venue made of marble with the characteristic columns of that period and a glossy black marble floor. The Ballrooom is appointed in grand style with black and gold decorative accents and is our formal venue with formal attire being requested but not required..  Live artist sing here and the atmosphere is very Grand Hollywood style.  The Ballroom is in service on Mondays.

The sim is also open on Wednesday and Thursday evenings and one to two Saturdays per month.  The venue which houses the live entertainment on these evenings is the whimsical Steampunk Live Music Venue.  It is meticulously designed and decorated to reflect the hybrid  style at the core of Steampunk.  Metal and velvet, lace and rusty gears.  A huge rotating star is the attraction on the dancefloor and the music tends to be Rock, Blues and Pop genres.  Come on any night the venue is featuring live artists and feel the excitement and unmitigated joy which fills the air.

New to the Steele entertainment sims is our new comedy club, "The Knock Knock Room".  Grand Opening on Halloween featuring live standup.  

An important upcoming event is our "Summer's End" beach party located on rugged Steele Beach, a center for surfing as well as relaxing under the Sun.  The event is scheduled for Thursday, September 19 featuring  two outstanding singers on our gold and black floating stage with a backdrop of huge surfing waves. Singers scheduled as follows:
                            6:00PM  -  Savannah Rain
                            7:00PM  -  Agatha Martin

We love being part of the SL Live Music Community and look forward to warmly welcoming you to Petra's Steele Live Entertainment.


Thursday, February 24, 2022


Since the Early Days of SecondLife, Sim creators have sought to build and maintain the perfect “Formal Ballroom”,  capturing the grace and elegance possible only in the Virtual World.  In the past 17 years, there have been over 583 attempts to do so in SecondLife.  (OK…so I made that number up…but I do know it is LOTS!)

Places come into being, amid a big splash, supported by residents (or not), only to have to close their doors within weeks, or at most, months.  The venues that survive are those that manage to appeal to a strong base of support among both the North American and European audiences. 

In SL builds as in other places, the cream rises to the top, and the Crem de la Crem of Formal Ballrooms in SecondLife is without a doubt, Foxxies Ballroom. The Ballroom of choice by the most discerning of audiences, Foxxies Ballroom is also the exclusive home of the award-winning DJ, FoxxeeLady.  The sultry-voiced FoxxeeLady entertains audiences and dancers nightly with selections from a song list of over 10,000 of your favorite songs, love ballads, and musical arrangements.

I caught up with FoxxeeLady while she was relaxing following a very busy Valentine's Day Weekend, and she graciously agreed to answer a few questions.

 Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    So then, which came first?  Did Foxxees Ballroom join forces with FoxxeeLady, or did FoxxeeLady inspire the creation of Foxxies Ballroom?

FL:  FoxxeeLady (FL):  Foxxies Ballroom came first.  It was established and owned in 2009 by Allison Lannock, followed by Michel Mills who was joined by Don Suebert as a business partner about 8 months ago.  FoxxeeLady began her DJ career at Foxxies Ballroom about 7 years ago.

JB:  An operation the size of Foxxies certainly does not run itself.  What size staff do they employ here, and who are some of the prime “Movers and Shakers” here?

FL:  Foxxies is run by Michel Mills and his business partner Don Suebert, both of whom are owners.  Tabatha Brinton and Audrey Trellis are long-time hostesses and assistants.  Over the last eight years, FoxxeeLady has assumed more and more DJ responsibilities.  She's now the main DJ at Foxxies Ballroom working 7 nights a week about 3 to 4 hours per night.

JB:  How did you initially develop an interest in DJing?

FL:  I have loved music all of my life.  Beautiful music has constantly been a part of my heart and soul as long as I can remember.  I was given an opportunity to learn how to DJ in SL by Michel Mills.  Initially, I was one of many DJs at Foxxies and worked just a few hours per week.  But as a result of my hard work ethic, love of music, and respect for my guests and fans,  I have excelled in my abilities, reaching for the top in my past 7 years.

JB:  I know you play a wide variety of musical genres.  Do you have a favorite?  And how have your musical tastes changed over the years?

FL:  I love all genres of music, but I must say, my favorites are romantic tunes.  Romantic tunes touch everybody's heart.  We all want to love and be loved and romantic tunes brings that dream closer to each of us.  I have always loved romantic tunes, but also enjoy country, oldies, and other genres.

JB:  You have been in SL for a number of years.  What is it that keeps you going?  Coming back night after night after night?

FL:  I have been in SL for almost 9 years.  I love playing music for my fans, helping them feel love, and helping them enjoy their time in the arms of their beloved ones at Foxxies Ballroom.  What motivates me to return to my work as DJ at Foxxies' Ballroom night after night is making sure love is in the air, making my fans happy, and playing the tunes my guests request.  It gives me tremendous satisfaction to make my guests happy.

JB:  Tell me about the SL DJ Hall of fame?  Who runs it, who are the judges, and what are the selection criteria for entry?

FL:  Dia Dufaux (DJ.3D) and Chris62 Greybeard (DJ Chris) are the founders of the SL DJ Hall of Fame.  There are 257 inductees as of now.  Anyone can nominate an SL DJ with 2 or more years of experience, but few are inducted.  A random collection of 3 SL DJ Hall of fame members will visit the nominee during their work hours.  These individuals will determine if the DJ's performance is consistent with the criteria that DJs at the top of the game exhibit.  If a majority votes to induct the nominee, that DJ will be informed and an induction ceremony with be scheduled.

JB:  What does it mean to you to have been inducted into the SL DJ Hall of Fame?

FL:  For me, having been inducted into the SL DJ Hall of Fame is a great honor and means that my work as a DJ has received the recognition of those DJs who are at the top of their game, meaning my work is consistent with the highest standards of excellence for work as a DJ in SL.  It makes me happy to know that the best DJs in SL recognize that I work hard to give my fans a quality performance night after night.  As a perfectionist, I want nothing but the best for my guests and I work hard to give them the best music, atmosphere, and gratitude,  night after night

JB:  Soooo..tell us about “The Foxxies Difference”   How is Foxxies unlike any other Ballroom anywhere on the SL Grid today?

FL:  Foxxies is the classiest, most formal, and most elegant Ballroom in SL.  When Allison started it in 2009, she wanted to create a grand ballroom of the highest quality.  Adam was the 2nd owner, who kept the venue going for the next 4yrs.  Michel, the 3rd owner, has for the past 8 years continued that tradition.  Don has joined as Owner/ Partner for the past 8 months, a great addition to this awesome venue.  The build is precise, beautiful, and elegant.  This has resulted in an atmosphere for our guests in the tradition of 5-star establishments in New York, Palm Beach, and London.  People sense this difference the moment they enter the venue.  Everybody loves the class, quality, and elegance.  The staff is polite, precise, and perfectionist, all in the interest of providing the highest quality service and experience to all of our guests.

JB:  How might someone learn what, if any, special events are going on at Foxxies?

FL:  The best way to find out about special events at Foxxies is through the event search board.  But honestly, most people these days learn about Foxxies and its special events by word of mouth.  People visit Foxxies Ballroom, fall in love with it and tell their friends about it.  Our group has grown exponentially and continues to grow every day also we have been in the SL Destination Guide since 2010.

JB:  Is there anything else you would care to share with our SL Enquirer Readers?

FL:  We encourage all residents of SL who appreciate the finer things, be it music or the glittering, high society of SL,  to visit Foxxies Ballroom and DJ FoxxeeLady.  We guarantee you will be delighted.

 LIMO: secondlife://Foxxies/219/191/21

So there you have it, Folks.  Romance in the Virtual World.  And in SecondLife, romance is spelled “FOXXIES”.   I’ll see ya there. I’ll be the guy in the black Tux…trying to blend in.

Be There



Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A Celebration of the life of Fran Serenade at Savoy Ballroom in Creations Park on Saturday, May 11, 2019, from 11AM to 9PM, featuring some of Second Life’s very best performers.


EVENT DATE:  May 11, 2019

On March 3rd, 2019, Creations Park lost its original inspiration, and Second Life lost its most celebrated senior.  Fran Serenade passed away at 92 after a lifetime of loving and serving others in both of the worlds she lived in. Fran was beloved by all who knew her, including her Linden friends. Her daughter, Barbie Alchemi, and son, AlmostThere Inventor, built Creations Park in Second Life to be a wonderworld to stimulate the mind, specifically for Fran and others with Parkinson’s.   The Draxtor video about Fran and the medical research into Parkinson’s done at Creations Park was called one of the most important ever made about Second Life by Linden Lab’s CEO Ebbe Linden.  

A Celebration of Fran’s life will be held at Savoy Ballroom in Creations Park on Saturday, May 11, 2019, from 11AM to 9PM SLT.  Some of the very best live singers in Second Life will be performing in her honor.  Most knew Fran and some had performed at her 90th birthday party, also at Savoy. All talent will be performing for tips only, and like all events at Creations Park, this will benefit Team Fox for Parkinson’s Research.

By June 1, 2019, a memorial honoring Fran and this celebration will be located in-world at the Savoy Swing Era Museum, and will be available online at

Shorter Version 3:40m     Fran’s story, with Barbie and scenes of Creations for Parkinson’sParkinson’s patient exploring virtual world
Living in a Modem World  Posted on April 12, 2015 by Inara Pey


11:00 AM Samm Qendra direct
12:00 PM Putri Solo (putrisolosinger) Jamila.lanley  
1:00 PM Luciano Lionheart Helen (Helendar Bailey)
2:00 PM Phil Setner Alessia Setner (alessia.rodeyn)
3:00 PM Agatha Knowles Troy Nelson (troyjaimes)
4:00 PM Savoy Dance Troupe Jackie Brown (antarctica.ferraris)
5:00 PM Max Kleene Kat Vargas
6:00 PM Ronnie Artano Missy (lilmiss54)
7:00 PM Savoy Stars Showcase Carlyle Chaparral
8:00 PM JaeSands direct

Second Life Official        @SecondLife Mar 7         Replying to @draxtor
Our hearts are broken. We will always remember her incredible enthusiasm for life and what a joy she carried with her everywhere.


The Drax Files: World Makers 5:00m [Episode 13: Creations for Parkinson's]
Draxtor  Despres November 1, 2013

Living the dream in Second Life  2:00m   (People with disabilities in a virtual world)
Colorado Public News    July 4, 2013

Farewell, Fran       Inara Pey: Living in a Modem World  March 7, 2019

Daniel Voyager   March 8, 2019

Second Life Newser  December 29, 2017

FRAN & PARKINSON’S RESEARCH  Backchannel - Kristen French  February 13, 2017

Anthropologist studies Fran in Second Life
UCI School of Social Sciences   John Wescott February 6, 2017

New World News September 10, 2015

Terry Meisenback  September 8, 2014

Virtual Connections - Nancy J Smith  November 7, 2013
The San Diego Union-Tribune - Pam Kragen September 24, 2013

New World News February 13, 2013

Creations Park Blogsite

Creations for Parkinson’s  SLNewser   Deaflegacy February 19, 2018

Eddie Haskell  Saturday, May 25, 2013

New World News  Hamlet Au February 8, 2013

An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human
Tom Boellstorff   2009 Princeton University Press

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Step back in time to the birthplace of Swing: The Savoy Ballroom

  Experience the best in classic swing, new swing, and electro swing along with vintage latin big band tunes.  Our extensive collection of dances are grouped by type and tempo to make dancing more realistic and fun. Dance to our SavoyStream 24x7, with volunteer dance partners often available.  Weekly hosted shows and monthly parties. Our Swing Era Museum and full-immersion Dance 301 Classroom brings the Golden Age of swing to life. Visit anytime - the swing never stops at Savoy.   In beautiful Creations Park

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

CP Swing Ballroom is having a "Euro ELECTRO" Party on Tuesday. December 4, from 1 - 3PM SL.


To kickoff Dru's monthly "All Electro Show" we present the amazing MISS CAST singing live from 1 - 2 PM, followed by Dru's show from 2 - 3 PM. 
Our re-imagination of the Harlem Savoy takes you back in time to the heyday of Swing.  Dru's All-Electro show propels you Back to the Future of Swing.  For the best swing dancing in SL, come to the Home of Happy Feet, CP Swing Ballroom, Museum and Dance Classroom.  

Monday, November 12, 2018

"Party in the Past" with the CP Swing All Stars Band

"Party in the Past" with the CP Swing All Stars Band on Tuesday, November 13, from 6 to 9pm SL.  This month's party features our very own piano host, Earl Hines, leading the All Stars:  JC Heard on drums, Walter Page on bass, Lester Young on sax, Roy Eldredge on trumpet and Deacon Brown on Trombone.  Featuring Ronnine Artano crooning his "Rat Pack" style stage classics.   Step back in time at CP Swing - the Home of Happy Feet in SL.
Find out more at

Located in beautiful Creations Park:

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ballrooms : Where the Romance Lives - Seersha Heart

“In one kiss, you’ll know all I haven’t said”; Pablo Neruda.  In Second Life, a date at a ballroom is a romantic adventure. It all the romance in one stop; the kisses and the dances of a well-earned night out.  I spend time in ballrooms during the year. This past year has been the most dramatic changes in my SL history. SL has lost two of the top ballrooms in the past year.  One of those was the lovely Rose Theatre Ballroom. In its day, if you asked anyone for the best ballroom “Rose Theatre” was either the first or the second one mentioned.  Angel Manor was a cultural hub of art and performance that is missed. Bogart’s is another loss to the grid. To me, losing Bogarts hurt badly. You could always could on Bogarts.  The walk through the shops to the marquee. At Bogarts you could have the formal stylish surroundings of a traditional ballroom, with an atmosphere that welcomed the single as well as the couples.  

SL has retained a couple of “tried and true” ballrooms.  Each providing different opportunities to the visitor. I recommend visiting these ballrooms at different times.  Each one that I am writing about has a wealth of fun to discover provided by the thoughtful and the clever owners.  And as is always true of SL, things change…..a….lot. One of those tried and true is the Avilion ballroom.  Formal dress required, clothing provided, this continues to be a place of magic and of romance.  I find that when I truly want the most romantic possible evening, of all the places on the grid, you will find me at Avilion.  Sometimes I visit alone, walking through, watching other dancers or dance alone. This is a peaceful place with rich colors and lighting that dances around you.  It is a delight to hear romantic music playing, as I ascend the main staircase to the ballroom. There are a couple of nice couples poses along the way. Inside walk to the railing and the ballroom opens in front of you in all directions.  I recommend sunset or midnight lighting. Let your eyes swept the view for a moment, it is in a word spectacular. The older stationary dance pose balls have been replaced with easy to use dance balls and dance hearts. The real magic in this location is that even though you are immersed grand beautiful ballroom, when you look to your date you will realize that he/she is the true beauty in this room.  Simply magical. After the dancing, when you take your date home, if you are not rewarded with the delicious naughty parts, after an evening at Avilion, it will NEVER happen.  This ballroom is the litmus test for a relationship.

Frank’s Place Jazz Club provides different settings for a formal night out.  With Bogarts gone, there remains the Jazz Club and the Elite Jazz Club.  Beyond the sexy sounding jazz, Frank’s hosts DJs and cover band concerts.  I always think of SL Resident and living large personality Johnathan Hiess when I visit Frank’s.  Jonathan is the grid’s cutting edge to music; at Frank’s he DJs, he produces cover band concerts and generates quite a following.  If you are luck to see him in his military dress, that is just a bonus. Frank’s is a place you may meet Mr. Right Now if not Mr. Right.  It is enjoyable to be in a vast room of avis donning their best clothing. Pan your camera around, use your free What is She Wearing HUD and see who is designing these outfits.  See someone who interests you? Go ahead and IM them, that is what people DO at Frank’s so meet, chat and dance.  
Foxxies ballroom and Jazz club is a treat.  Beyond the elegant ballroom you will find a hot air balloon ride and a horse drawn carriage.  Explore and be rewarded at this gem. Foxxies has been on the grid for well over nine years. The traffic is lower here than Frank’s so if you want to have some snuggle up, one-on-one time with that special person try the atmosphere at Foxxies.  They also have DJs, music, romantic gardens, waterfalls and several romantic cuddle spots.

How would you like to enjoy some 40s swing dancing?  Teleport to the Creationspark SIM.  This is the SIM created to facilitate knowledge and support for Parkinson’s disease.  None of those limitations of the physical realm in the CP Swing Dance Hall.  A bit more casual that most ballrooms, this one sits in a SIM chock full of things to do beyond dancing.  Start at the main center and you can visit an art gallery and many interesting boutiques for shopping. In the beach and yacht areas you will find romantic hot tubs, sailboats, row boats, windsurfers and more water activities.  There are swimming animations, tubes and a waterslide. Bring your free Dutchie’s wearable towel to dry off.  Explore the vast expanse of the underwater paradise.  Truly vivid colors and interesting sea life to be found throughout.  I love the underwater paradise! Finish your visit at the Celestial Realm visiting the Spiritual Circles in the sky.
There are some other great places for an elegant night out on the grid.  Phat Cats Jazz Club Ballroom has a very romantic feeling and host live music.  Regency ballroom is one of those that provides clothing for those who don’t have a formal outfit.  A nice up and comer ballroom, I hope they get more traffic to enjoy what the offer to the visitor.  Many of the ballrooms on the Second Life search are not at their locations any more. Before that special date, make sure the ballroom exists before going out.  Save yourself the last minute fumble of finding a replacement location.

Take a moment and sift through your messy inventory.  Do you have a couple nice formal outfits? It is worth the time to make a couple.  It is a great treat to go out in SL to a nice romantic ballroom where in the arms of that special someone you may lose yourself, if only for a while, life can be magic, let it.


Ballroom pictures and more:

Seersha Heart [saoirseheart resident]
Photos by Karmaghna Ulrik