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Showing posts with label alts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alts. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2016

“ALTs in Action and Their Rights” - “Seersha Heart” Reporting...

“Susan Sonnet is my favourite alt. Skin and shape by ND (Paris, naturally); hair by Abyss, outfits by Blaze. Classy, aloof, unobtainable and utterly drop dead gorgeous. It cost me a fortune in Lindens to put her together, but a stickier SL honey pot you could not imagine. I'm telling you, she's deadly” remarks by Definitely Thursday, resident on page 13 of the fictional novel AFK by resident Huckleberry Hax. Are you one of the many...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The SL Lie Detector ... The Pinocchio affect – Shaneos Howlett Reporting

Have you been lied to in SL ? How did you find out? When you found out you had been lied to, what did you do about it ? Recently I interviewed several avatars in SL to find the answers to the above questions, their answers although somewhat expected were all fairly common... Are we all lying while using SL?.... this is the Pinocchio affect. Every person that logs in to SL uses an Avatar,  these avatars may or...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Food for Thought: Alternative Accounts also known as Alts – Ccoursey Reporting…

            Have you ever approached an avatar on Second Life and they already knew you, talked as if they were your best friend, yet you’d never even heard the name mentioned before and/or they were really young compared to the people you are usually around?  Then they tell you they are the alternative avatar or another, an alt.  We’ve all met one, some don’t even own up...