Whoreville was created for freelance escorts, by freelance escorts. After years of working the mean streets of SL, a team of creative minds came up with a whole list of things they didn't like about the places we have been used to working, versus what we would like to see at a place for freelancers to use.
The result is Whoreville. No spam, no bots, no landing points pushing you away, no staff forcing you to log into tip jars or move or...anything. No mall, no club. Just a no-nonsense, glowing, sexy build, the windlight carefully selected to set off the mood, gently set by sexy sounds in the background. Unique dance vitrines and street corners animated to have you wiggling, beckoning, and calling to your client to have their way with you in one of the many public or private places we have available for you to use..
We believe freelance escorts are their own bosses, and we respect them - Whoreville reflects that.
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