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Showing posts with label The Green Lanterns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Green Lanterns. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2014

Investigative Report on the ONDUTY Penis Part 2- Conducted by Lanai Jarrico and Hal Jordan

The SL Enquirer has been working closely with The Green Lanterns of Second Life in an effort to keep the Second Life community informed about griefers that can affect resident’s virtual experience in a negative way. The Green Lanterns is an organization of dedicated volunteers who have made it their mission to help protect the SL community since 2006. SLE was contacted by The Green Lantern’s Head of operations, Hal Jordon (greenlanternexcelsior)....

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Stalkers in Second Life: Welcome to the Dark Side – Glossom Resident reporting…

A few years ago we incredulously witnessed the news of a SL romance ending in real life stalking, attempt kidnapping and crime of virtual passion. Cases like this are increasingly recurrent. In Second Life stalkers see their art made easier with more ways to torment people and with more amenities to hide behind the screen, a supposedly safe and consequence-free place to impetuously pour out their frustrations on others, therefore, exacerbating...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Green Lanterns of Second Life (SL)…Saving One Virtual Life at a Time.- Davvek Suun Ki Reporting…

A cry for help is heard in the distance…Real Life (RL) Charity Groups need exposure and donations, Second Life (SL) noobs just starting out with questions that need answering…these are just a few of the many impressive things that the Green Lanterns of Second Life (SL) have responded to successfully.  As they jokingly say..."They were green before it was trendy!" The Green Lanterns (one of the longest running superhero groups in...