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Showing posts with label The Fashion Loft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Fashion Loft. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 25, 2023 Contact: TFL Management (thefashionloft) The Fashion Loft Invites You to Celebrate the End of 2023

 On December 9, The Fashion Loft (TFL) will host its 7th annual Holiday Event in Second Life. The event is created to show appreciation for the creators who have supported TFL, as well as a way to promote mainstore shopping. Using a HUD, shoppers will be able to teleport to participating stores. Once there, they will find items for sale for L$99, and hunt items for L$1. To kick things off, The Fashion Loft will host an Opening Day party at...

Friday, March 2, 2018

The Fashion Loft Presents: United Colors Fashion Show - March 4th

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Fashion Loft The Fashion Loft (TFL) is proud to announce that on March 4th at 10 AM SLT, TFL will feature fashion designs from United Colors. United Colors of Second Life is a brand that only offers original creations, with clothes, shoes and accessories for your distinctive style. Customers of the brand describe the clothing as "amazing works of art", "gorgeous, original designs", and, "rich colors and cloths...

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Sexiest Halloween Ever - Win up to 5000 Lindens (and more) for Halloween 2016!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe Fashion Loft 2, 2016--- The Fashion Loft (TFL) is proud to host our first contest! We are looking for the sexiest avatars on the grid - do you think you have what it takes to win? The contest will take place on October 15th at 1pm SLT. Contest entries must be submitted via mailbox by October 8th at 12pm SLT. The mailbox can be found at Model's Haven: