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Showing posts with label Spence Wilder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spence Wilder. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2024



The SL Enquirer has long been a standard bearer here in SecondLife.  Over the years it has accrued nearly six million views. The Enquirer has supported causes from Relay for Life, to Virtual World Best Practices in Education. It has included stories on everything from gorgeous new builds, to residents making an impact. One of the ways we support the thriving music scene here is by sponsoring the Singer - Songwriter Open Mic contest. These contests bring out the best and the brightest members of the music scene, and this year was no exception. After some close competition, this year's winning songwriter is Spence Wilder.  After the contest, I caught up with Spence and got his "story". I think you'll like it.

I know I did.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):     So Spence.   Congratulations on your win.  It was well deserved.   So tell me, who were your music idols, and those who most influenced your musical style?

Spence Wilder  (SW):     My dad sang and played guitar, and I grew up with rockabilly and outlaw country. Willie Nelson’s Redheaded Stranger was in heavy rotation. But by the time I was concert-going age, my tastes were more “stadium rock”, Queen, Zeppelin, and Van Halen. Then the 80’s had me turning to bands like U2, REM, and The Cure. So, by the time I began writing songs, I was all over the place (laughs). It’s a musical melting pot, my brain. Elvis Costello, Tom Petty, and Adam Schlesinger are in there too.  OK and of course The Beatles and Stones.

JB:     What was the inspiration for the song you sang at the contest? 

SW:     I sang The Bullring. It’s from a period when I was writing a song every week, based on a prompt I would assign myself. That week’s prompt was “rodeo clown”.  It’s sort of a “the grass is never greener” love song hiding inside some absurdist poetry.

                          (Photo Courtesy of  piperwaterfalls resident) 

JB:     And why did you choose that particular song?

SW:     I asked the audience to choose between a few. Songs are like kids, impossible to have a favorite. And of my songs, the ones I tend to favor are usually those least popular with others. On that day it was a good call letting someone else decide!

JB:     How long have you been performing your music, and what sorts of venues?

SW:     I learned of the music scene here from two musician friends, Leyah Renegade of the band What The? And Cylindrian Rutabaga. That was in 2007. My first show was at The Shelter, run by the skeleton man himself, Dolmere Talamasca. From there I played at some venues run by Nomad Rovio, who I’d later do amazing Relay for Life spectacle experience shows with.  The Peg Leg in Transylvania was a favorite. Pixel Hill had a thriving scene. Bend Bowie’s notorious Demonic strip club. After a few years I left for a while. That “while” turned out to be a decade or so. I just came back Summer 2024 to find that the music scene had absolutely exploded. I was happy to see The Merry Prankster was still standing, and The Blarney Stone, two places I’d played and still knew folks to help get me back into it. So many amazing venues now. I recently played at Boogeyman’s, and at Bespoke Caravan’s venue, both such fun builds! Shout outs also to Hotel Chelsea, Café Kismet, and especially Lyrical Star Café, one of the only places to feature exclusively original music.

JB:     How would you describe the brand that you now represent?

SW:     I’ve taken up residence in a converted shipping container studio home on a secluded beach called The Wild Blue Yonder. Next door my partner Speedstar Darkfire and I have an art gallery called BLUE Gallery.  The Wild Blue “brand” I suppose is a quirky, eclectic, indie-spirited blend of music and visual art. Even with songs I cover my approach is to make them my own somehow.

JB:     How did you take the news when they first announced your name as the winner?

SW:     There were some fantastic performers, so I was over the moon! So grateful just for the opportunity, and absolutely thrilled to win. I appreciate those who go above and beyond to support artists.

JB:     What does it take to be a successful musician these days?

SW:     I think you need an act that stands out somehow, for people to get invested. There are SO many performers. That differentiator can simply be your amazing vocal ability.  Or musicianship. Or innovative use of a looper. I like to think I’m a storyteller and a bit of a humorist. I try to make my sets something of a variety act in singer/songwriter clothing. Speaking of clothing, if there’s a theme, I’ll really lean into it and conjure up a cool outfit.

JB:     What advice could you give to someone who wants to be a songwriter?

Write routinely. Every day. Every week. Make it who you are. I was in cover bands for years, writing the occasional original song. But it wasn’t until I started my song-a-week experiment that I truly began to feel like a songwriter. Now it’s essential, something I need to do.

JB:     Do you have any social media sites that folks can visit to see more of you and your work?

SW:     You can hear my music on SoundCloud:

To see my visual art, you can visit BLUE Gallery:

JB:     Do you post your performance schedule for anyone who wants to catch one or more of your gigs?

SW:     The best place to find out when and where I’m playing is on Facebook:

JB:     Is there anything else you would like to share with our SL Enquirer Readers?

Elton John said “Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.” I think that’s doubly true here (smiles). We are all in those moments the healers and the healed. I am so very grateful for everyone who comes to live music events to make that magic happen.

So there you have it, folks.  For those of you who have never had the opportunity to hear this gifted musician perform, you are really missing out.  For those of you who HAVE heard him, you know what I am talking about.  Either way, be sure and check out the URLs above to hear some of his music, see his art, and learn where is is performing next.  You won't want to mis it. And when you do, tell 'em Josh sent ya.  Believe me.  You'll be glad you did

Be there! Aloha!


                                        (Photo Courtesy of  piperwaterfalls resident)