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Showing posts with label Solidx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solidx. Show all posts

Monday, November 25, 2013

Chest Treasures Mall The Naughty Or Nice Hunt- November 25th- December 25th – Orchids Reporting…

I've got my list, and I'm checking it twice. So, tell me, girl. Are you naughty or nice? Tonight's the night. I ain't rolling the dice. Are you naughty or nice, naughty or nice? -Cash Cash Date: November 25 - December 25 Region Rating: Adult Theme: Christmas Price: 5L (Although some have put out theirs for free) Location: Object : Red AND Green Gift...

Monday, October 14, 2013

Spotlight On Chest Treasures: The Shopping Mall For Busty Women ©- Orchids Reporting…

Late nineteenth century, the rise of the mail order  catalogs brought a world of goods to a consumer’s doorstep. Years later, shopping and buying would undergo another metamorphosis. It became known simply as “the mall.” Historically, its said,  if you put three stores together, people would shop at one store and look at what the other stores have.The mall is an interesting concept which has come a long way. The...