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Showing posts with label Secret Harmony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secret Harmony. Show all posts

Monday, October 2, 2017

SecretHarmonyInSL Social Network (MYSH.SPACE) is your between the lives connection in terms of meeting others and sharing content!

Join now at https:/ or We offer a new shopping experience, a weekly event dedicated to those who do not have the weekends. Apply now be part of the Whimsy Weekdays event starting November 6th at http://whismyseekdays.mysh.spac...

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Secret Harmony In SL Social Network (MYSH.SPACE) is your between the lives connection in terms of meeting others and sharing content!

SecretHarmonyInSL Social Network (MYSH.SPACE) is your between the lives connection in terms of meeting others and sharing content! Offering features of popular Social Networks such as Facebook (R) and Twitter (R).  Why? To bring you an experience without the fear of losing your account, content, or connections. Join and meet others today @ |  Are you a designer? Apply...

Friday, September 8, 2017

Secret Harmony InSL is a social community for meeting other Secondlife Residents In SL

Secret Harmony InSL is a social community for meeting other Secondlife Residents InSL, sharing content, and other unlimited possibilities. We are a true open community in terms of things we add and the ability to see your content even if the viewer is not a member. We are a true popular social networking alternative where accounts are being blocked. We offer features you would find on popular networks like Facebook(R), Myspace(R), Twitter(R),...

Friday, August 4, 2017

Secret Harmony InSL Social Network Presents a great music experience Friday night August 4th at our very own Swinging Banana Venue.

It starts off at 5pm SLT with SHRadio's DJKwave and then followed by Varda at 7pm SLT. At 8pm SLT Vinnie (Acoustic Rhapsody), will take over the stage. He will be streaming live with other performers from Ed Lowell's house in Cleveland Ohio. We will see you there! Here is your ride:

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Secret Harmony's May Rain Referral Program

Broke? Need Lindens? Invite your friends and family to Secret Harmony InSL Social Network and earn big, easily! Take part in the May Rain Referral Program and earn lindens! All it takes is being a member of Secret Harmony and inviting others and they put who they were referred by when they sign up. See more @ http://referral.secretharmonyinsl.c...

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Secret Harmony Social Network Presents Live Singer Varda @ Cats Marina 04/13/2017 at 5 PM SLT

Come listen to one of Second Life's finest voices at Cats Marina on Thursday the 13th of April. You can see more about Varda on the event page and here her recordings in the sounds section of the website. She is absolutely brilliant and your bound to have a good time. Cats Marina is the most charming and elegant Marina Club on SL. Dinners, events, dance, live shows. stand comedy, poetry and Djs. Your Ride:

Friday, March 31, 2017

Secret Harmony InSL Meet and Greets!

We now have reopened InSL and the forest is back. It is smaller, but has a bigger picture in mind. It will now exclusively be where we do meet and greets and will be open to the public like always 24 hours a day. There will be live performers, D.J's and more. As always stop on by and join to meet others and share content.

Friday, March 10, 2017


            Meet other Avis from Second Life in Secret Harmony.  Secret Harmony is an online Social Network for SL Residents where you can meet other Residents and share all kinds of content.  Today we have the owner of Secret Harmony, Kwave Wilkinson, to discuss this fabulous new social network. Seersha Heart: What prompted you to create like Secret Harmony? Kwave Wilkinson:...