Recently, I met a new resident of Second Life that stumbled upon our media center in his quest to find some answers on a very serious topic. He claimed to be exploring this virtual world to figure out why his wife of 28 years, would leave him for someone she met here.
After revealing his real intention of becoming a resident, he said he probably shouldn’t have shared that information right off the bat with me, but after listening to some of the things he was saying, I explained that I had been in this virtual culture a long time and can understand all sides to this type of situation.
It is not an uncommon issue I hear about. As uncomfortable as it may sound, Second Life© is the perfect place for people who feel lonely or need a creative outlet to be their true selves.
We can all recognize we live in a world that dictates a lot of “norms” on what is considered, taboo, right or wrong. It happens in politics, religion, business and even in one’s own emotional and human needs.
In virtual worlds and social networks across the Internet people are indulging in the many things they wish they can do or experience without the travel time and expenses incurred by such activities.