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Showing posts with label SL11B. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SL11B. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Commentary from SL11B- June 22-July 6th 2014- Lanai Reporting…

Can you believe that Second Life is just about to turn 11 years old?  For those that do not know SL’s actual birthday, it is July 6th 2003.   On that day it will be precisely 132 months and about 3,960 days. In Second Life time that is a virtual lifetime! Through the year so much has happened and so many changes have been made. Creative people have come and gone and countless virtual memories have been made; many of which...

London City Spotlight - Jessii2009 Warrhol Reporting

Nelson's Column, The Palace of Westminster, and Regent's Park! These are just only three out of many London landmarks and three places you can visit in Second Life! So where can you visit these great landmarks?? Why London City of course!...

Monday, April 28, 2014

Second Life™ 11th Birthday Community Celebration is coming!

The event will be held from Sunday June 22nd – Sunday June 29th—seven days of amazing exhibits, music, conversation, debate, firework displays, games, puzzles, sports and everything else the wonderfully inventive communities of Second Life™ can pack into seven days and 11 sims. Actually, even that won’t be the end of it, as the sims will be open for a further seven days for everyone to explore. What’s our theme? The theme this year...