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Showing posts with label Peachy Sassoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peachy Sassoon. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Spotlight on Drama Libre- Vapor Paragon Reporting…

Cirque du Soleil
If you have been in Second Life© for some time, you may have visited many places with theme parties, but Drama Libre stands out from all of them. Drama Libre is like no other, with the kind of effort they put in their theme parties.  Every week they host a big party with a new theme that attracting big crowds. They have been doing this nonstop since 2006.  The most amazing fact is, that they have not repeated any theme yet. Drama Libre has a dedicated team of builders, who are not only very imaginative but are also very professional. This venue is completely rebuilt from scratch every week to match their new theme, each time with great detail.

   By looking at their work you can certainly tell they don't compromise on quality and put  great effort into what they do. Drama libre's innovative theme ideas always seem to give new challenge to builder team, but they always do justice with it. At each party, Djs play music matching the theme as well. They specially lineup songs and even classic commercials audio clips to enhance the feel and its fun factor.

Djs also cater requests from guests and play dedications. At each party, Drama Libre attracts a big crowd, which includes many new and regular visitors who dress according to themes. Some of them are so dedicated that they design their own costumes for each theme.

 There are also contests for best in theme, through which one can win a generous amount of lindens. Drama Libre's name describes their philosophy. Libre is a Spanish word which means "free", so "Drama Free". Drama Libre is an oasis for people who want to have fun and enjoy a variety of music in a drama free environment.

I talked to founder/Co-owner Peachy Sassoon and also other Drama Libre team members to learn more about this fascinating club.