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Showing posts with label Obituary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obituary. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Death and Loss In Second Life- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

 One of the hardest things in life is suffering a loss. Even if it is part of the cycle of life. It doesn’t matter what religion you are in, race, gender, success, looks, or even age. Death is inevitable. At some point in our lives, we will all face the end of our journey. Everyone grieves differently. Some take it very hard and others learn to accept reality. Either way, there is no easy way to say goodbye to someone you love. You can only...

Friday, January 27, 2017

Diva Stone –Gloomy Tuesday By Mackenzie Abbot

In the early hours of Thursday morning, the 26th of January 2017, I was just about to go over the edge of consciousness into the realms of sleep when my Skype pinged. And I saw the words I never ever imagined I'd ever have the misfortune to cast my eyes over. “Diva passed away last night. Just thought you should know.” My initial reply was “Stone?” I was dozy and later remembered that I didn’t know any other Diva’s. And then the call came. She...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

In Memory of SharkClub Gaming & Buildables Creator; Batrastard Panthar

Batrastard Panthar was born into Second Life in October of 2009 and spent 4 years contributing to the Second Life community as a creator of fun stuff as he would describe it. His creative innovations brought about The Buildables; a robot that produced new types of robotic creatures and added uniqueness to the breedables community in Second Life.   Batrastard also owned and operated SharkClub Gaming together with his business partners...