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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at
Showing posts with label Nexus News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nexus News. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

RP Nexus News: Live Reading of "The Goddess of Pigland" by the Author Cursa Charisma Reporting...

Alcibides Zemenis reading his novel live at the Role Play Nexus

Sunday, May 15, saw the first live reading of "The Goddess of Pigland", by the author, Mario Zecca (Alcibides Zemenis in SL), held at the Role Play Nexus in Mul. The audience enjoyed listening, via SL Voice, to the first two chapters of this satirical example of classic heroic fantasy fiction, with "LOLs" and "ROFLs" aplenty. The author also shared questions and comments with the audience, explaining the inspiration for the book and the details of his decision to self-publish and use Amazon Kindle.

A second reading will be held on Sunday, May 22, at 8:00am SLT. Interested parties may contact Alcibides Zemenis or Cursa Charisma for information.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

(RP) NEXUS NEWS: April 28th @ 4pm SLT Everyone interested in the creation, development, and management of role-playing games in Second Life and OpenSim grids is hereby invited to a presentation and discussion at the Role Play Nexus. - Cursa Charisma


 "The Decline & Fall of the Linden Empire"
Speaker: Edward Gibbon
Date & Time: Thursday, April 28, 2011  4pm (1600) SLT
Place: Role Play Nexus, Mul

Edward Gibbon will present his thesis of the downfall of Linden Lab and Second Life, and what will come after, with reference to the data presented at:

Transcripts of past events are available at the Nexus and at

The Role-Play Nexus exists to facilitate the exchange of experiences, information, questions, fun stories, collaboration, and good will by providing a meeting point and information hub, and holding events with themes related to RP in SL and Opensim grids.