Being a newbie can be overwhelming and downright awkward with embarrassing clothing and hair malfunctions while bumping into every object and other avatars in a sloppy stumble through Second Life. It truly is a hideous sight to observe. Especially when dealing with newbies that ransack freebie prop shops and are strapped heavily with an arsenal of griefer gadgets. My first experience with such a Noob griefer did not end very pleasantly for either of us. His naked avatar along with his chicken on a stick prop came to me asking for a job. Needless to say, he was not hired. He was instead ejected and banned from the media center and I have been left emotionally scarred for SLife by the whole ordeal ever since.
someone should have told me silks weren't for clubbing back in 2006 |
Being a newbie can be overwhelming and downright awkward with embarrassing clothing and hair malfunctions while bumping into every object and other avatars in a sloppy stumble through Second Life. It truly is a hideous sight to observe. Especially when dealing with newbies that ransack freebie prop shops and are strapped heavily with an arsenal of griefer gadgets. My first experience with such a Noob griefer did not end very pleasantly for either of us. His naked avatar along with his chicken on a stick prop came to me asking for a job. Needless to say, he was not hired. He was instead ejected and banned from the media center and I have been left emotionally scarred for SLife by the whole ordeal ever since.