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Showing posts with label Miss Diva Stone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miss Diva Stone. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2017

Diva Stone –Gloomy Tuesday By Mackenzie Abbot

In the early hours of Thursday morning, the 26th of January 2017, I was just about to go over the edge of consciousness into the realms of sleep when my Skype pinged. And I saw the words I never ever imagined I'd ever have the misfortune to cast my eyes over. “Diva passed away last night. Just thought you should know.” My initial reply was “Stone?” I was dozy and later remembered that I didn’t know any other Diva’s. And then the call came. She...

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

VIVA LA DIVA! – A Fireside Chat with Miss Diva Stone -Mackenzie Abbot Reporting

 "Do Right Woman" ~ Miss Diva Stone LIVE As a reporter, you have to learn to keep emotions and feelings separate when you report on events, to remain neutral in opinions and generally be someone other than you for a while.  However, when it comes to Miss Diva Stone, I for one will go doe-eyed and girly in a split second and not give a flying damn how pathetic I look.  Ever since I...