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Showing posts with label Loreen Aldrin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loreen Aldrin. Show all posts

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Spotlight on Songstress Loreen Aldrin

                                                                                    She's back, and this sweet singing songstress is poised and ready to play for your venue, to make more fans, to reacquaint herself with all the eager...

Friday, January 25, 2019

A Night at the Keys: Sponsored by The SL Enquirer!

A Night at the Keys: Sponsored by The SL Enquirer! Come out to enjoy a great night of music and fun at the Keys. Three hours of amazing performers for you to enjoy, all presented by the SL Enquirer, Second Life's oldest running source of news. The entertainment starts at 7p SLT with Loreen Aldrin followed by Voodoo Shilton at 8 and Maxmilllion Kleene at 9. A great line-up you won't want to miss! Come visit the Keys with their always impressive...

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Loreen Aldrin is back, and she is poised and ready to play for your venue!

She's back, and she is poised and ready to play for your venue, to make more fans, to reacquaint herself with all the eager fans who are waiting.... patiently, for her next gig. A multi-instrumentalist since her adolescence, Loreen excels on guitar and piano, has played in bands for over 18 years, and has toured extensively across Europe, including a tour that recently finished. She's also in the studio when she can, as she will be releasing...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

VMS News: Loreen Aldrin - Never give up , an inspirational story- Jay Hurikan Reporting...

    The guitar, a stringed musical instrument that is usually played by strumming or plucking. Millions of people each and every day practice, play, and perform using this instrument. Some do it for money, some do it for popularity and some do it for pure pleasure--the love of creating music. Read More Here &nbs...