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Showing posts with label LillyLacewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LillyLacewing. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

5 Beautiful Places to visit in SL-Lilly LaceWing Reporting…

The Trace Second life is full of beautifully designed sims to explore, find adventure, and to see visions we couldn’t see in RL without the use of some strong, good old fashioned hallucinogens.  Today, I bring you the five most beautiful (to ME, remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder) places currently in SL. The Trace, The Trace Too This is a beautiful sim, with autumn trees all over, the ground covered by a thin, brilliant...

Monday, November 16, 2015

Disabilities, and How SL Helps People blend in with Society, Lilly Lacewing Reporting.

Disabilities, and Second Life, a match made in accessible heaven! Second Life doesn’t just blur the lines of discrimination when it comes to the disabled, it can completely eliminate the lines altogether. I know this from firsthand experience, which is why I chose to do this long ‘overdue’ assignment. In RL, I suffer from a rare, genetic connective tissue disorder, which to sum things up (otherwise this would BE the article,) it results...

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Five Rad Places to Score Freebies in SL! LillyLacewing Reporting.

The Free Dove by Palomma Casanova This place has some great, high-quality freebies, and is unique in some of those freebies’ styling. It’s a great place for those into Goth, Fantasy, or any kind of Alternative looks. These items don’t have the look of freebies, either, so I could easily find myself going back again and again. Beautiful dresses, lots of neat fantasy items, and lots of...

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

SL’s Best Schools! -LillyLacewing Reporting.

This is a hard one, ladies and gents; I won’t lie to you. I have to pick only 5 institutions to list here, and many well-known universities have a presence in Second Life. So instead, I’m going to highlight a couple of schools relevant to things you need to know in SL, and a couple of University presences. First up? Caledon’s Oxbridge University. This place is interesting;...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

SL UFO Threads Are Host To Heated Debate… LillyLacewing Reporting.

Fire in the Sky Are there extraterrestrial reasons behind unidentified flying objects? This question, and the fear of its possible answer, has plagued mankind for decades. Long before we could articulate and gather together (whether in the flesh, or here, in the Virtual world of Second Life,) to discuss it, lights in the sky have been terrifying and fascinating us for all of our recorded history. Many religions, particularly Hinduism in their...

Monday, September 7, 2015

Sultry Affairs in SL- LillyLacewing Reporting

The how’s, why’s, and WTF’s(?!) of Second Life affairs…  I’ve often wondered what drives people to have affairs, both in Second Life, and Real Life, so I did a little hunting, and spoke, anonymously of course, with a few SL residents who were game to talk about their game here in this virtual world. I thought asking the source, the ladies who provide these services themselves, would be more fruitful, but I was amused to discover...