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Showing posts with label Lanai's diary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lanai's diary. Show all posts

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Lanai's Diary: IT'S PAST MID SUMMER... Do you know were the first half went?

 If you are anything like me I complain when it's too hot and complain again when it's cold. I live in the Northeast of the country; New Jersey to be specific so I experience four seasons. Unlike Florida that lives in constant summer or the states way up north that are a bit colder, I’m not sure where I really fit in. All I know is Summer usually starts to fade out right after my birthday (July 13th). If my mother had me 6 days prior I’d be...

Sunday, June 30, 2024

LANAI'S DIARY- What's poppin Ya'll

 It’s Lanai Jarrico that washed up virtual world reporting that just doesn’t go away to some and to others.. OMG she’s alive!After a long day of being that Boss B*tch in RL. I needed to unwind and do what I love best; writing. Warning though, if I start telling you about my day, you'll either be inspired or need a stiff drink, or both, buckle up.It’s been a while. I haven't been in Second Life much as I navigate real life. I had to take...

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Lanai’s Diary: My confession

Every once in a while I like to ramble on about anything that comes to mind. I’ve been told I do automatic writing, other times that I’m a terrible writer or that I’m even an Enigma. It all confuses me because I can’t see myself as other people see me, so I will pull a hoodie over my head and just keep writing. I’m not sure if I’m any of those things all I know is I like to write and just spill my thoughts out as if I’m talking to a friend or even...

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Lanai’s Diary: 18 years in Second Life is shameless AF but worth it

Hey y'all, it’s Lanai. That random media ghost floating behind the scenes in Second life. In my current situation I’m just  kickin back on a Wednesday night in New Jersey. Today is officially the first day of Summer and my ass is in the house staring out the window watching clouds move across the sky with light rain. What a great sign! (rolls eyes) but at the end of the day I truly can say I busted my ass.errr…brain today and deserve a little...

Monday, May 1, 2023


 As I sit here in New Jersey contemplating what I should do with a whole new life. I must say it has been one crazy year. So many life changes all at once. OMG WTFThis letter is random as hell but necessary, I haven’t had the chance to sit down and write in a long time so I just want to ramble in a throwback Cinco De Mayo outfit while holding maracas. No wonder us Second Lifers would rather be in world than deal with all the madness in...

Friday, November 13, 2020

Lanai's Diary: Entry 4,958- 2020 Can Go F%$@ itself! Do something for your country and Wear a @&%$# mask!

 This isn't a politically motivated statement nor is it feeding into the overwhelming news of this pandemic and how it is affecting not only our communities but the world as a whole. If there is one thing that needs to be said it is COMPLACENCY NEEDS TO STOP! Whether you believe it is “just a flu” or the news is "overcooking" the situation and only reporting the worst case scenarios, there is in fact a global pandemic happening right now and...

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Lanai’s Diary: How would you have handled a Bull in a china shop situation?

The craziest thing happened yesterday and I wanted to share it in hope I can get some insight  from SLE fans on what could have been done differently or how you would have handled a situation like this. In the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic many are staying home and limiting themselves to the people they come in contact with. It is becoming the norm for many people, especially those who work outside of the home. At the end of a long...

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Lanai's Diary: Entry 6/21/20- The buffoonery that is in SL Business work ethic is just ridiculous

Dear Diary,  It has been a while since I’ve cracked open my diary and unloaded my thoughts about Second Life.  Sometimes I’m like… wow SL is still really awesome after all these years and other times I scratch my head at the buffoonery and think WTF….just WTF. I’m talking about work ethics. Not morale ethics because we all know there are some questionable things going on in Second Life. I’m not a judge and jury but I would...

Monday, March 9, 2015

My Reflection of a Second Life and How we are all Part of the Ripple Effect – Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

The beauty of Second Life may not be understood by people who are not immersed in the culture and get to know others in this virtual community. It is a combination of personalities, cultures and experiences that only the people who spend time in Second Life understand. To some it is just a game. To many others it is a journey of self discovery. Second Life helps people have a voice, go beyond physical limitations and disabilities, share...