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Showing posts with label Kwave Wilkinson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kwave Wilkinson. Show all posts

Monday, October 2, 2017

SecretHarmonyInSL Social Network (MYSH.SPACE) is your between the lives connection in terms of meeting others and sharing content!

Join now at https:/ or We offer a new shopping experience, a weekly event dedicated to those who do not have the weekends. Apply now be part of the Whimsy Weekdays event starting November 6th at http://whismyseekdays.mysh.spac...

Friday, September 8, 2017

Bored? want music? Well tune in to SHRadio

Bored? want music? Well tune in to SHRadio at Easily click between stations you want to listen to. Under each station is a url you can put in about land or you can also grab our radio board for 0 lindens from, Want to hear different music? Well join our page and let us know in our forums,

Secret Harmony InSL is a social community for meeting other Secondlife Residents In SL

Secret Harmony InSL is a social community for meeting other Secondlife Residents InSL, sharing content, and other unlimited possibilities. We are a true open community in terms of things we add and the ability to see your content even if the viewer is not a member. We are a true popular social networking alternative where accounts are being blocked. We offer features you would find on popular networks like Facebook(R), Myspace(R), Twitter(R),...

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

SHRadio brings you many genre stations that were built by resident's InSL requests!

Genres range from Oldies to today's Top40. We are proud to announce our new KPop Station and JPop is in the works! Tune in anywhere, on multiple devices @ Easily click and play the genre of your choice and even put the url in your land. You can get our free radio tuner board here:

Friday, March 10, 2017


            Meet other Avis from Second Life in Secret Harmony.  Secret Harmony is an online Social Network for SL Residents where you can meet other Residents and share all kinds of content.  Today we have the owner of Secret Harmony, Kwave Wilkinson, to discuss this fabulous new social network. Seersha Heart: What prompted you to create like Secret Harmony? Kwave Wilkinson:...