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Showing posts with label Kavi Aldrin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kavi Aldrin. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

FASHION: How to look fabulous in Second Life for free - Kavi Aldrin Reporting...

Learn tips and tricks on how to look fabulous in Second Life without burning a hole in your pocket. “Does it cost money to look good in Second Life?” The truthful answer is yes it does. To be able to customize your avatar it can cost in average up to L$ 5000.This includes the best looking skin,good body shape,hair,clothing,accessories and an AO. That being said, not everyone has the money or wants to spend on a virtual world character. So...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Best Halloween costumes 2012 -Kavi Aldrin Reporting...

  Halloween is by far one of the most celebrated events in Second Life. People from all over the world participate and enjoy this American festival.     There are many ways to dress up for Halloween. Everyone should start with what they want to be or represent. 2012 has quickly become a year for Vampires and Zombies as they are one of the most popular costumes across the grid. There are people who also like the wild side...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

SL Enquirers Guide To Fall 2012 Fashion- What's hot? - Kavi Aldrin Reporting...

Summer may as well call it quits because we've moved onto fall. Its a fresh new season so its time you change your style for something with scarf’s, boots and mesh coats! Every girl loves the thought of bundling up and pulling out her favourite sweater...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Beauty of Culture in Second Life- Kavi Aldrin Reporting...

Culture is the invisible bond that ties different people together. This propagation of values not only transmits knowledge and retain relationships, it builds up a long term tradition in communities. ...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: Vintage Amore Photography Studio brings a new angle to Photography Services in Second Life© -Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

    Vintage Amore was founded by Kavi Aldrin and her partner Sluuge Resident. With 2 years experience under their belts, they have worked in photo studios in the real world. With aspirations of starting a business, they established their presence here in Second Life© including stores and Sluuge’s Breedables, finally saving up enough Lindens to launch the Vintage Amore Photography Studio.  I have to say, after my tour of Vintage...