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Showing posts with label Kalli Birman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kalli Birman. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

INTRODUCING SLoupon! Coming at the end of August 2012!

SLoupon... "Amazing Group Deals for your Second Life Exploration!" "Like" SLoupon on Facebook: What is SLoupo...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

SL9B EVENT: Street Fair and Pub Crawl June 19-14, 2012 6-9pm slt Brought to you by The Tracer I Birman Agency

Second Life is celebrating it's 9th Birthday. The Tracer | Birman Agency has decided to produce our own event. "The SL9B Street Fair and Pub Crawl" will take place June 19-24 in Second Life. Get more info here:

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Official Launch of "The Village" and "Club Graffiti" - Friday April 29, 2011 1PM SLT.- Contact Kalli Birman

The Village, Second Life's newest hot spot, will be having The Official Launch on Friday April 29th at 1PM SLT. Owned by Mankind Tracer and KalliBirman, The Village is modeled after Greenwich Village, NYC of the 1970's and will be home to some of the best couture boutiques Second Life has to offer including House of RFyre, Gizza, Paris Metro, Tres Beau, Bliss Couture, Vogue, Blacklace. The Village is also home to...