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Showing posts with label July 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label July 2010. Show all posts

Monday, July 26, 2010

IN MUSIC- JooZz Magic's brilliant sound in Second Life - Sandy Demina Reporting...

Staff Reporter• Monday, July 26, 2010 JooZz is a Dutch musician, who started his musical career at the age of six. Playing the recorder first, which was replaced by the piano a year later. First band was formed at high school and ever since JooZz is deeply in love with Music. In 1982 he entered the Rotterdam Conservatory, but family business needed him badly. Now, a few years later, it's Music Time again. Time for a second career...and...

Monday, July 19, 2010

SPORTS & LEISURE: This The Crazy Blogger 'Should Have Made The All Madden- Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

Stacey wore her best t-shirt to the biggest interview of her animated career AN INTERVIEW WITH SFL FOUNDER ROMEO TORVALAR When people find out I'm a sportswriter, they invariably ask me about the same two or three topics. Cheerleading and wrestling come up a lot, as guys like those concepts when related to my pretty little avatar. The other question I get is "NFL style football," which has nothing to do with my looks.Well.... scratch THAT one...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

SPORTS & LEISURE- Oil Spill Zombie Rabbit Apocalypse- Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

... a Smurf's eye view of Stacey watching an oil spill What with that oil spill in the real-life Gulf of Mexico, a person needs Second Life to get away from reality to. Unless you have my job... then you end up at an oil spill. What's worse, it's also a Zombie Rabbit Apocalypse... because, as you know, thAT when bunnies get motor oil on them, they grow to be 8 feet tall and crave human blood.... sort of like the Nesquik Bunny with Riger...

Monday, July 12, 2010

MUSICIAN SPOTLIGHT-Azriahl Alternative Rock- Sandy Demina Reporting...

Staff Reporter• Monday, July 12, 2010 Ontario native Kevin Kennedy (also known as Azriahl) brings a knife's edge to his solo acoustic performance as well as power and command in full band format. This is not the usual strumming balladeer. Soulful curios sifted from post-grunge rubble combine with his earthy candor to create rich songs and lyrical imagery. As broad as his northern home land, Azriahl's influences span the edgy rock of Alice...

Friday, July 9, 2010

MUSICIAN SPOTLIGHT:ZeroOne Paz. The Urgency to Play in second Life- Sandy Demina Reporting...

Staff Reporter• Monday, July 19, 2010 ZeroOne Paz is a multi-instrumentalist and composer in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has performed in nearly every kind of musical ensemble imaginable, from orchestras to rock bands, bluegrass to acid jazz. His SL solo performances are unlike anything else you'll hear in the SL live music scene. Beautiful originals and heartfelt covers, sung by ZeroOne, and played on VIBRAPHONE! His fabulous virtual...

Monday, July 5, 2010

IN MUSIC-The HarperMessmer Experience- Sandy Demina Reporting...

Staff Reporter• Monday, July 05, 2010 Everyone in SL should be sure to partake in the Harper Messmer Experience: this 100% virtual artist delights his audience with a soothing blend of pop, R&B, and rock featuring his own songs and those by some of today's popular artists. Harper is one of the most popular artist in SL where he built a very good following.At every gig he usually gathers his fans where they have the chance to listen...