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Showing posts with label Independence Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independence Day. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Interview with Uncle Sam- Darron Buckenberger Reporting..

 It’s 4th of July and what better way to celebrate this day in Second Life than an interview with Uncle Sam. He’s like that stoner Uncle everyone has that is always at the annual BBQ and everyone just rolls their eyes and laughs when he begins singing his favorite rendition of “Yankee Doodle” during  Karaoke…Interview with Uncle SamDarron: Happy Fourth of July, Uncle Sam! Thanks for joining me here at the Enquirer Headquarters. How’s the...

After Party Interview with Uncle Sam- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

 Interview with Uncle SamLanai: Hey Uncle Sam, I heard you were interviewed by Darron. Sorry I missed the BBQ. I heard the potato salad was bangin!  Happy Birthday!Uncle Sam: Thanks Lanai, I can’t believe I’m turning 248! I miss the days when I was 192. Maaaaan Woodstock was awesome!Lanai: I wasn’t around for that but from what I’ve heard, it was wild times. What did you experience then?Uncle Sam: Woodstock was a time when people began...

Monday, July 3, 2023

July 4th Events in Second Life

 The 4th of July aka Independence Day is a national holiday in America. It is observed with family gatherings, BBQs and fireworks. On this day back in 1776, the second continental congress unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence separating the colonies' political connections from Great Britain. Most peeps are just glad to get the day off to do whatever it is they want to do.  In Second Life, Americans observe the day by going...

Interview with Uncle Sam 2023- It ain't that kinda Party- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

 Interview with Uncle Sam- It ain't that kinda PartyAnother year , another celebration for a country that most other countries don't really care for because of all the BLEEPERY. But hey I live here so I have to kinda sorta appreciate the fact that our forefathers signed the declaration of Independence to free us from the grips of Great Ol’ Britain.  Ahhhhh Freedom. I wonder what would have become of us all had those secret freemasons never...

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Celebrating Independence Day in Second Life - Pen Dragon Reporting

In 1765 an initially small group of British colonists in the American colonies revolted against King George and his rule. The initial complaint was that there were no representatives from the American colonies in the British parliament and this made their taxation of the colonies illegal. This was the start of the American Revolution that lasted until 1783, but it was in 1776 that the American colonies voted to declare independence...

Monday, July 4, 2016

Independence Day: What does it Truly Mean to you?

As July 4th Weekend comes to an end and the BBQ grills cool off, it is time for us all to get back to work and our daily routines. Aside from the traditional ways this U.S holiday is observed with picnics, fireworks and gatherings, how many of us know why we even celebrate it on July 4th?  240 years ago on July 4th 1776 the Continental Congress declared The United States of America an independent nation with the signing of the Declaration...

Friday, July 4, 2014

Celebrating Independence Day in Second Life

Pool parties, endless sunshine and fireworks is what Independence Day in the modern day is all about. However, at its original inception and the times prior, Independence Day holds a deeper significance on the timeline of American represents the day that America declared its emancipation from the reign and taxation of the British Isle. The original thirteen colonies grew weary of having to pay taxes to King George III as...

Sunday, July 1, 2012


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