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Showing posts with label Happy Valentine's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Valentine's Day. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2025

HOLIDAY MASCOT SERIES: Interview with Cupid 2025- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…


Recently I met up with Father Time who seemed annoyed but still did an interview.  He reminded me why Cupid and I had a falling out so not only did I go on my quest to find him but I wanted to apologize for last year. I really didn’t mean to beat him to a pulp with a fist full of roses. I don’t like to get startled. With that said, I search across the grid and found him minding his own business at  Japanese Tempura  Island where he was taking a Tai Chi Class.

Lanai: CUPID! Long time no see! Let me apologize for last year. I really didn’t mean to attack you with roses. I’m sorry *makes a pouty face*

Cupid: OMG, it’s you! Stay away from me. You are like a sour patch kid commercials amplified!  Can’t you see I’m busy!

Lanai: Don’t tell me you are still butt hurt over what happened. It’s been a year, let that shit go. You shouldn’t have startled me. You know my swing reflex is something different..

Cupid: Something different?? That was totally a manic Karen episode! To top it all off you were trespassing in MY garden!

Lanai: Cupid, you know you love me so stop putting up a front. Father time told me all about your holiday date switching plan to avoid me. That’s not how you treat your FWB.

Cupid: Oh he did? So you tracked him down too? You are supposed to stay at least 500 yards away from me.

Lanai: Yea.. that expired.  And stop acting jealous. You didn't have to get the other mascots involved in our personal business.

Cupid: Ohh they have their own reasons for avoiding you. Do I need to remind you what you did to the Easter Bunny on April Fools day? He had to wear a furry pink onesie on Easter and  spent the rest of the year hiding so his own fur would grow back in. He looked like a giant overstuffed mole rat with big ears. I never want to see a grown Easter Bunny ugly cry ever again in my life. It’s horrifying.

Lanai:  It was kinda funny… at the time. Don’t tell me you never switched someone's shampoo for Nair before. Live a little.

Cupid: NO!!! That’s a terrible prank.  What about the time you caused a vicious fight between Larry the Leprechaun and one of Santa’s helpers. They accidentally sewed the wrong ear onto the other. I don’t think they ever found the other missing ear.

Lanai: Hey, that had nothing to do with me. I was at The Blarney Stone having a couple drinks while minding my own business when I heard them arguing about who’s taller. All I did was say, Larry had about a centimeter over the elf. That's when the ear tugging began and well. Yea , that wasn't my fault!

Cupid: MMhmm. Ok what about the time you put cannabis oil in Mrs. Clause’s brownies and  Santa got pulled over while delivering Christmas presents. Good thing everyone loves Santa and they let him off with a warning. Mrs. Clause broke an ankle trying to dance on the table and slipped.  You nearly canceled Christmas for everyone!

Lanai: Wasn’t me.

Cupid: Lanai, you dropped your medical marijuana card and Mrs.Claus found it in her kitchen… Why do you think you got coal this year?

Lanai:Oh, I was wondering where it was. About the coal though,  I collect rocks and figured it was a thoughtful gift! All I was doing was adding a little jolliness to his long night. Lighten up, Christmas was a success. I heard even naughty kids got presents this year.

Cupid: SMH. Why are we having this interview again?

Lanai: Because Valentine’s day is coming up and I wanted to know if you had any words of wisdom for all the lovers out there.

Cupid: Well first of all to any guy who has the slightest interest in asking you to be their Valentine should think twice. Your reputation for being a heartbreaker is probably the most frequently used search term on the internet next to Drones in New Jersey.

Lanai: Anyway…You are just mad that I wouldn't be your Valentine. Remember the time I caught you trying to play a harp at my window while humming a rap song? That was really weird. Of course I threw a shoe at you and turned you down.

Cupid: See. You can’t even appreciate a kind gesture after an amazing time. You… You… heart of stone Queen! I totally regret that night.

Lanai: Not the night before though… lol.  Stop spreading fake news and work on your name calling…

Cupid:*facepalm*  Lanai, you have a way of making people love and hate you at the same time. I’m not sure where this interview is going but I need to pick up my arrows and get ready for Valentine’s day. I have Love to spread.

Lanai: So do I.   I’ll see you later. *winks*

Cupid: *rolls eyes* You are something else. Want to Netflix and chill?

Lanai: Are you asking me out?

Cupid: No…

Lanai: OK, come over.

Special thanks to Edge Catteneo

Monday, February 13, 2023

Interview with Cupid 2023 - Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

It has been a couple of years since I last spoke to Cupid. I heard through the grapevine that he was arrested for lacing his arrows with a bad batch of Amortentia; the most powerful love potion in the world. Its effects cause month-long erections, hirsutism, and a significant increase in the prim population in Second Life. The downside to that is an epidemic of single mothers raising prim babies with facial and chest hair. After researching the decline of weddings and engagements on the grid I decided to take action and set up a booth at local SL Job Fairs in search of this year’s Cupid.  Out of 4,321 applicants I was able to narrow it down to three who barely qualified for the position. One failed the arrow shooting test at the range due to his lingering vertigo and the other failed his background check due to a stalking and harassment charge at a local drag joint. The remaining candidate was the best I can do so he was hired without a drug test because I felt he might fail.

I met up with him at an NA meeting where I sometimes volunteer as a sponsor to discuss the position and learn more about him and his skills in the love department.

Interview with Cupid 2023

Lanai: Hi Bob, or should I address you as Cupid contingent upon the outcome of this job interview? Thank you for meeting with me for this very important job.

Cupid 2023: Hi Lanai, I have heard so much about you. I doubt it's true about you being the Godmother to an SL Mafia family, the biggest heartbreaker in Second Life, or that you once sucked a watermelon through a straw. I’m so glad you can meet me here. The house arrest ankle bracelet I’m wearing should be removed just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Lanai: Let me guess... You’ve been watching Fox News…. They have been trying to take me down for years. Fake news. Keep my family out of this… I’m totally offended being called a heartbreaker and the watermelon incident was a pink cocktail with Vodka in it. I was at a baby shower for crying out loud!… Anyway. I’m meeting you here today for your official interview for the position of Cupid so let's get down to business. Can you define love?

Cupid 2023: Well… it can vary in meaning. For some, love means being taken care of emotionally, financially, and of course in the bedroom, and for others it is a common adoration between two people that goes deep down into the soul. Money and materials don’t matter. The latter seems to be the stereotypical gold digger, sugar baby type.

Lanai: Well said. How do you feel about the current climate in Second Life when it comes to romance, relationships, and things to do?

Cupid 2023: It has been a long time since I’ve been on a real date and I know Onlyfk, Feeld, and Tinder dating apps don't really count. Unless you are looking for a quick fix and a free meal, I may need some training…

Lanai: Yes, I agree. Let me give you a crash course on Romance and love and what women really want. She wants to be heard and not just listened to like a song on the radio. It’s the lyrics that count not the beat. She also wants to feel protected. There is a fine line between protection and controlling someone. To protect someone is to care about their whole well-being and do what you can to make that person feels safe and secure. Controlling is a way to manipulate someone into believing you need them when in fact most women are very capable of handling their own business without a man. The beautiful thing about romance and love is that both have a connection that feels out of this world and the respect and responsibilities of keeping each other happy, safe and secure are placed in both their hands. Once respect is lost, trust becomes an issue that will ultimately dissolve that true feeling of love.  Not even flowers and candy can bring back the romance. Soul mates are a thing; when you find “the one”, it's an unconditional love that will last for eternity. Every flaw or difference is accepted and there are no unachievable expectations. That is the purest form of love. As far as romantic destinations, they can be anywhere that prohibits child avies and animals in my opinion.

Cupid 2023: I’m in awe at just how brilliant you are. So, why are you single?

Lanai: Hey! I’m interviewing you. But to answer that. No one really knows my personal Slife aside from a handful of close friends. Let’s just say my current situation is complicated. My psychotherapist insists I have Philophobia. So anyway, are you a good shot?

Cupid 2023: That’s fair. I won't meddle.  As in shot….do you mean money shots or….

Lanai: No You buffoon!  I meant with a bow and arrow… 

Cupid 2023: Oh right. I once shot a bow at a Kids' Archery camp. It didn't end well and I was sent home. I feel justified in saying the bully had it coming and now he walks with a gangster lean.

Lanai: You do know this is a job interview right? I’ll pretend I didn't hear that. *slides an envelope over to him* In that envelope is a printout with a scan code to redeem six archery lessons on me. It was a great deal on Groupon. Don’t disappoint me.

Cupid 2023: You are very generous. I appreciate this opportunity and promise to spread the love and romance in Second Life for Valentine’s Day!

Lanai: *leans in and whispers* Make sure that you do, I’ve hired a backup if things don’t work out and he doesn't shoot arrows…  

Cupid 2023: *looks at the hitman standing behind Lanai* *gulps* When do I start?

Lanai: February 14th *slides him a briefcase* Here is your assignment...  *gets up, and walks away*

Sorry folks, this is the best Cupid I could find for the job. 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Love Made In SL - Lacy Muircastle reporting...

...And Second Life© is a wonderland where you can find the magic of love.  Linden Lab / @SecondLife and @draxtor have initiated a mini series - Love Made In SL - #lovemadeinsl.  Take a look at Draxtor's twitter feed for links to the episodes already aired.

Love Made in SL logo created by Marianne McCann with permission from Linden Lab

The series kicked off with the fabulous story of  residents, Teal and Wolf, whose love story crosses time zones and oceans to reach a very exciting chapter...  THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED in real life.

This makes the romance writer in me absolutely extatic.  Take a look:

We would love to hear your Love Made In SL story.  You can contact Draxtor - @draxtor via twitter or me at  We look forward to hearing about your #lovemadeinsl stories.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Legend of St. Valentine and Valentine's Day - CeciliaRosalie Resident Reporting...

Saint Valentine

Every February 14, across the United States and in other places around the world, although it remains a working day in most of them. Candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint, and where did these traditions come from?

The Legend

The history of Valentine's Day--and the story of its patron saint--is shrouded in mystery. February has long been celebrated as a month of romance and St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition.

The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Fine Dining on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a special time for couples. It is the one time of year for romance and demonstrating your love for your significant other.  Showing your partner you care should be an every day event but there is something about this day that makes loving someone even more special. Time is the most valuable thing we can give.   It’s not about expensive gifts, it is about the quality of time you can give each other.
In Second Life, you can find plenty of things to share with that special someone. Here are some great  fine dining ideas to add to your day.

Fine Dining
Avatars are notoriously known for not having to eat to survive but why limit yourself from the roleplay of sharing a romantic candelit dinner with the person you love? Second Life has resturants with breathtaking views and it give you the chance to get away from the crowded club scene.  Dress your best and share great converation in a relaxing atmosphere with a glass of virtual wine.

Seaside Restaurant & Lounge
Enjoy an intimate dinner for two at the Seaside Restaurant & Lounge.  Fresh seafood daily and mouth watering entrees from around the world.  Seaside is a unique restaurant in SL were you are in charge of your dinning experience without any cost.

The Terrace
The Terrace Restaurant Lounge & Grille offering a full service realistic dining experience. Whether a romantic dinner for two or a family gathering, you are assured of being served by a unique team of professionals.
IM Jorden Andrew for reservations.

The Willows Restaurant
The Willows restaurant  was founded by Legacy MacPherson and Myket Ebonyrose in May 2015. Please respect all staff and guests. Our honeymoon suites are available for rentals as well. IM SloaneMarie for reservations.

However you decide to spend Valentine’s Day, The SL Enquirer wishes you a wonderful and love filled day.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

Friday, February 14, 2014

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY SLE FANS! Interview with Cupid 2014

Valentine’s Day is here and lovers are finding ways to surprise their special someone with gifts and plans for that special date.  In Second Life, venues are decorated and prepared for romance themed events and the matchmaker services are on overdrive. 

The SL Enquirer is observed this holiday by seeking out Cupid for an exclusive one on one.

 Last year, the bow and arrow was handed to a replacement Valentine mascot because the original Cupid decided to pursue another career in adult entertainment.  This year, Lanai searched high and low and finally found the 2014 Cupid sitting at The Blarney Stone Irish Bar and throwing back a few drinks.

Interview with Cupid 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentine Gift Shopping for Him and Her. - Tea Couturier Reporting...

Yes it is that time again where we celebrate with the one we love and show them how much we care about and appreciate them with a gift. Finding that something special can be hard especially in Second Life. So here is my quick guide in in helping you find or get ideas on gift giving for your loved one.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Weddings Part 2- Just in Time for Valentine's Day!- Tea Couturier Reporting...

Valentine weddings have now become very popular in Second Life so the SL Enquirer is giving you a double dose of Wedding planning inspiration.
 Nena Dreadlow provided you with tips for creating a Wedding Checklist and named some great places to go for planning your big day. I am going to add to her list by sharing some of my favourites.

As valentine day symbolizes romance love. What better day to pick as your wedding day!
If you are planning your wedding on this holiday, but you are stuck on where to celebrate it, here are a few venues which may help you on this busy but special day. Hurry time is running out!