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Showing posts with label Dragonmaster Mistwalker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dragonmaster Mistwalker. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

AVIE POLL: Cheating in SL- Keep Them Or Lose them?- Dragonmaster Mistwalker Reporting...

                           I have seen many discussions started by a simple Truthball question.  Is sex in SL considered cheating if you are married in RL or does it count because it`s just an avatar? Also,  should you dump the person or forgive them?  The way I see it is if both parties know what the other is doing in SL, they have rules, boundaries and they...

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Have You Ever Experienced Discrimination in SL?- Dragonmaster Mistwalker Reporting

We all know that discrimination exists in real life. Be it sex, age, racial, gender or religious discrimination a lot of people have faced discrimination in real life. based on this fact i thought id delve in and find out if discrimination exists in our virtual world. Ðragon Mistwalker (dragonmaster.mistwalker): have you ever experienced discrimination in second life?   Mistress Sex Kitten Mistwalker (becca.drascol): Yes...

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Top 5 Boot Stores in SL- Dragonmaster Mistwalker Reporting…

Drakke Designs In our virtual world we have many options for clothes, accessories, footwear and more. I love the variety of footwear in SL and I must admit I`m a sucker for a nice pair of boots. I like when women wear boots too.  I own quite a few pairs of boots in SL and know just where to shop for them. Here are the top five stores I like most. Drakke Designs opened its doors in 2009 and has a wide variety of boots, some of which...