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Showing posts with label Copacabana County Campgrounds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Copacabana County Campgrounds. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2018

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Copacabana Country Campground Haunted Cave

Are you ready to discover the secret of Copacabana Country? Legend says the campground was built on a Native American place of power. Centuries ago there was a battle between the living and the dead with the Copacabana tribe and their shaman successfully locking the demons and skinwalkers away in a mystical cave. The spell cast to keep the evil contained would last for 500 years. That was in 1518, 500 years ago. Now the veil is lifting and...

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Come horse around at Copacabana Country Campground

At Copacabana Country Campgrounds we want you to have the best experience possible and involve the whole family. If you’ve ever gone on vacation and thought “I wish I could bring my horse” We have the solution you’ve been looking for in Second Life! We are proud to announce the addition of Daneko Equestrian center to the Coapcabana Country Campground sim. At Daneko Ranch you can board your horse, learn to ride, get basic medical attention if...

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Spotlight on Copacabana County Campgrounds- A Family Friendly Virtual Camping Adventure

Copacabana County Campgrounds is a PG friendly outdoors escape from city life and into the mountains, valleys and coasts of Serena Copacabana. With Summer winding down and fall approaching, Second Life lights up with activity.  With so much to do, avatars are teleporting all over the grid in search of new and exciting past times with family and friends. There is something about feeling one with nature when you can take a deep breath...