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Showing posts with label Change is good. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Change is good. Show all posts

Friday, July 21, 2023

Change is Good – Even in Second Life By Linda Lauren

Change something in your environment and watch how much that single change will uplift your personal vibration, boost your energy and improve your mood.  We don’t realize how much that overflowing Inventory that holds our possessions can block our ability to enjoy a Second Life existence without frustration, lag and system crashes.  Possessing an excessive inventory is the contributing reason to all of the above complaints.  

Torley Linden has a really cute video called “Confessions of a Second Life Hoarder” and though it’s exceptionally funny, there is truth to it!  A clean inventory will make for a happier Second Life experience.  To see the video and read the step-by-step tutorial click here: 

All those freebees we get as we teleport across the grid can add a substantial amount of prim and/or scripts. Regular clean up is the answer.  As an SL paying resident since 2006, here are some of the tips I’ve picked up along the way:

Inventory Items 

Copy and Full Perm

Look in your inventory for items that you have numerous copies of.  I keep an original and one copy of any items (leaving two in my inventory).  That is a personal safety point with me in case I have inventory loss due to a Linden grid issue.  Inventory does tend to disappear sometimes upon uploading new versions.  

Everything Else in Inventory

By that I mean items that you have one copy of.  Those can include everything from freebees and clothing to entire houses and furniture.  Options to consider:

The 1 Prim Box

If you want to keep those inventory items, but you don’t intend to use them regularly, you can create a one prim box, make it full perm access for you, and dump all those inventory items into the box.  Be sure to label the box with the items & year. * 

*For instance I took over 1,000 items that were for the holiday season and put them into a box.  The box is labeled “Christmas 2012” and now became one single prim containing all those items.   That can be placed back into your inventory.   (I do this only after making sure I have deleted the duplicates.)

Your Alt 

Another option: pass it to your alt, if you have one, but be sure not to dump things you’d otherwise delete because that defeats the entire purpose.  It will only create lag for your alt!  

Garage Sales 

Another way to go, especially if you own land, is to sell the items there that you don’t want.  I have even made boxes to sell items as “sets” for purchase.

Knowing When to Delete

Finally, if it’s something you are never going to use again, can’t sell and have no reason to save, please hit that DELETE button.  You will see the difference in Second Life grid performance and it will make you feel a whole lot lighter!

So give it a try.  Clean up your SL environment and see where it leads you.  One thing is for sure: it will always lead you to something positive because that is what happens when we unblock energy.  

Remember, Second Life is a virtual world and we connect via the Internet and that is energy.  Don’t underestimate how powerful an Inventory clean up can be.  It sure helps me enjoy my SL life!