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Showing posts with label Champagne Sparkling Couture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Champagne Sparkling Couture. Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2012

It's a Celebration tonight in Second Life- The Linden Gods gave back to the community tonight with an outpouring of positive reaction from the residents that know and support Enzo Champagne! Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

The Linden Gods gave back to the community tonight with an outpouring of positive reaction from the residents that know and support Enzo Champagne! Recently a NC had been circulating about an avatar that was wrongfully denied access to Second Life after he was savagely hacked. The outcry for justice spread across the grid and a community came together to help. In an interesting turn of event, while discussion the ordeal with a friend of Enzo,...